Monday, September 30, 2019

Research Paper Animal Experimentation Essay

I Introduction Thesis Statement: Animal testing is a debatable issue in modern society. Some people argue that animal testing should be kept due to medical benefits and research study conveniences. However, I think animal experimentation should be banned by refuting supporters’ arguments. II Body A. Opposing argument 1 Animal experimentations are conducted for human health. Rebuttal to this argument: Animal testing can cause serious problems regarding to human health. a. The results of animal experimentation are often inconclusive and cannot be accurately applied to human. b. Animal drug testing causes a lot of dangerous side effects. B. Opposing argument 2 Animal experimentation is vital for research purposes. Rebuttal to this argument: Ethnics problems: Are humans too selfish? a. Animal testing can be extremely cruel and inhumane. b. Examples to illustrate the cruelly experiments conducted on animals. c. Animals deserve the equal rights as humans. C. Opposing argument 3 There are no effective alternatives to animal experimentation. Rebuttal to this argument: The facts of efficient non-animal methods and relevant benefits. a. Examples of successful alternative methods. b. Lists of possible technology as alternative methods. c. The benefits of non-animal methods. III Conclusion Animal Testing should be banned due to its cruelness, moral issues and the existence of effective alternative methods. Should Animal Experimentation Be Abandon? Animal Experimentation, also known as animal testing, is the use of animals to conduct experiments or do research in the laboratory. The number of animals used in experiments increased dramatically after World War II. Nowadays, animal experimentation is widely used in many areas such as medical research, behavior study, and drug tests. It is estimated that scientists in America utilize more than 15 million animals each year in their research. Also, animal research and testing is used in almost 10% of all biomedical research. (â€Å"Animal experimentation†, 2011, para.4 ) While some people insist animal experimentation is necessary for social progress due to its unique contributions to human health and scientific researches, opponents of animal research argue that it is cruel, immoral, and unnecessary. As a matter of fact, animal experimentation has been a controversy issue for a very long time. At the same time, there are an increasing number of regulations which restrict animal testing to some extent in order to protect animals’ rights. From my perspective, animal experimentation should be abandoned because of its inhuman cruelness, moral issues, and the existence of possible alternatives. The most common arguments supporting animal experimentation can be refuted and shown to be unnecessary harm to animals. There are many arguments to support animal experimentation. Supporters of animal testing assert animal experimentations are beneficial for human health and vital for research purposes. Also, supporters tend to believe that there are no effective  alternatives for animal experimentation. One of the most common opinions supporters of animal experimentation hold is that a lot of animal experimentations are conducted for human health. They assert animal testing is critical for drug development, the safety of cosmetic products, and treatment for diseases. For instance, Carl Cohen (2005), a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, argues that vaccines for diseases such as polio and malaria could not have been developed without animal testing (para.1). There is no denying that humans did benefit a lot from animal experimentations. People practice on dogs first to learn how to perform surgery successfully, test the toxicity of ingredients of shampoo on mice to ensure the safety of cosmetic products, and study the infected chimpanzees to study the virus effects. These actions seem to be reasonable. However, there are also plenty of problems of animal experimentation associated with human health are ignored by supporters. The results of animal testing are often inconclusive and cannot be accurately applied to human. â€Å"Many of the drugs approved through animal experimentation have proven dangerous to humans† (Thomas, 2008, para.3). The inner structure of human body is quite different from animals’. In fact, animal experimentation results cannot predict many common life threatening side effects of new products like drugs and cosmetics. Animal testing could be the reason that many so called â€Å"safety products† drugs which work perfectly on animals would cause so many dangerous side effects on human body. More seriously, it is possible for humans to suffer from allergic reactions, some blood disorders, skin lesions and many central nervous system effects that cannot be demonstrated by animal models (Singer, 2006). Most medications are derived from one big contradiction: Our government demands that we test all medications on animals prior to continuing to human trials, and it admits that applying animal data to humans is a â€Å"leap of faith.† However, animal drug testing cannot guarantee all the medications would apply to humans. Still, many human diseases go uncured. Besides human health perspective, supporters argue it is necessary to conduct research through animal experimentation. The history of animal experimentation can be traced back a very early time. The earliest references to animal testing are found in the writings of the Greeks in the 2nd and 4th centuries BCE (â€Å"History of nonhuman animal research,† 1984). The achievements of animal testing research cannot be ignored. For example, the Roman physician Galen dissected pigs and apes to demonstrate that veins carry blood, not air as people previously thought. In the early 1600’s English doctor William Harvey dissected numerous types of animals, including frogs and fish, to show how blood circulates the body. During the 1800s, scientists used animals to examine the role of microorganisms in causing disease (Gilland, 2002).Scientists take advantage of the animals’ biological similarity to humans to gain advanced biology and behavior knowledge. Furthermore, scientists can create controlled environments for animals (regulating their diet, temperature, and other factors) in a way that would be difficult for human research subjects. Evidence shows   the research progress benefits from animal experimentation. It cannot be denied that the animal experimentation plays a crucial role in research. However, as the scale of animal experimentations increasing drastically over years, there are more animal-rights movements and more ethics questions have come to the top. Opponents of animal experimentation consider it is unethical due to reasons such as it is cruel and inhuman, and it violates animals’ rights. Firstly, animal testing is always merciless. The condition of where animals are kept within laboratory could be poor, and animals are often exposed to harmful chemicals to see the results. In 1997, people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals filmed staff inside Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) in the UK. The staff was hitting puppies, shouting at them, and taking blood samples from the dogs. (â€Å"It’s A Dog’s Life,†2005). Another example is the primate experiments conducted at the University of Cambridge in 2002. The monkeys in laboratory had undergone surgery to induce a stroke, and were left alone after the procedure for 15 hours overnight. They were only given food and water for two hours a day so that researchers can better observe their reactions in different situations (Sandra, 2005). The extremely pain and suffering caused by animal testing has become a serious ethics issue. The second debatable ethics issue is regarding to animals’ rights. People have started to ask whether animals deserve the same rights as humans. According to human’s basic rights, a person may not be killed, cruelly treated, intimidated, or imprisoned for no good reason. Put another way, people should be able to live in their own needs and preferences. What about animals? Do they deserve the basic respects like humans? There is no doubt that animals experience life as humans do. Animals can feel pain and fear, and they would be desperate in difficult situations. It is true that animals do not have the same abilities as humans. They cannot speak, write or invent things, but neither can some humans. Can we deprive the rights of those humans who lack these abilities? Do we say disabled humans have no inherent value and rights? Certainly not, because their lives still has value to them. As philosopher Tom Regan (1985) has said in his argument for animal rights: we are each of us the experiencing subject of a life, a conscious creature having an individual welfare that has importance to us whatever our usefulness to others†¦ animals too must be viewed as the experiencing subjects of a life, with inherent value of their own(p.13). It is not justifiable to harm animals’ lives for the benefits of humans. Humans tend to regard themselves as the most important and valuable species on earth. However, this opinion is too self-centered and unmoral. Millions of species are all living on this planet, and they all deserve the dignity to live. Even though there is no doubt that better research progress would be gained from animal testing, we human cannot take the benefits from the misfortune of other species. We are part of this planet, and we have the obligation to protect ecological balance, not to harm it. Supporters of animal experimentation are also aware of the defects and ethical problems of animal experimentation, but they assert there are no effective alternatives to animal testing. As a matter of fact, with the development of technology, there are many more possibilities to conduct experimentations without animals. Thanks to modern technology, more and more non-animal research is being used now all over the world. For example, Pharmagene Laboratories is the first company to use only human tissues and sophisticated computer technology for the purpose of drug development and testing. People in Pharmagene use sophisticated scanning devices to analyze inner structure of human. With tools from biochemistry, analytical pharmacology, and molecular biology, Pharmagene is able to study human genes and drug effects on the proteins they make. They have made great achievements in the field of non-animal experimentation. Besides, the scientists in Pharmagene believe that the study process would be much more efficient with human tissues instead of animals’. They also state there would be lower risk associated with non-animal experimentation. (Coghlan,1996). As I pointed out before, animal testing can be inconclusive and inaccurate. Also, it is usually expensive to do experiments on animals. On the contrary, non-animal methods often take less time and cost less to conduct. Effective, affordable, and humane research methods include sophisticated in vitro, genomic, and computer-modeling techniques as well as studies of human populations, volunteers, and patients. Why do we have to conduct the cruel, immoral animal testing which cost us money and effort? People c an use these effective alternatives instead. Today, animal experimentations are still used widespread in areas of biology, behavior study, medical research, and drug testing. Although supporters of animal experimentations argue that animal testing is beneficial for human health, critical for research purposes, there are strong evidence showing that animal experimentation might not be necessary. Animal experimentation can cause a lot of dangerous side effects in drug testing. Moreover, People’s diseases cannot be accurately treated through animal experimentation. Also, there are serious moral issues associated with animal testing, and we should not take the benefits from the misfortune of other species. People need to be aware of the disadvantages of animal testing and seek for better alternatives. Non-animal methods often take less time and cost less to conduct. With the development of technology, there would be more and more effective alternatives to animal testing. Due to the various disadvantages of animal experimenta tion, we ought to abandon animal testing and focus on better solutions. I believe humans can benefit more from non-animal experimentations References Animal Experimentation.(2011). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Balls, M. Statement on the Application of the Epidermâ„ ¢ Human Skin Model for Skin Corrosivity Testing. New York, NY: Metropolitan. Cohen, C. (2001). The Animal Rights Debate. Lanham, MD: Rowman. Coghlan, A, (1996). Pioneers Cut Out Animal Testing. New Scientist, 9, 31-33. Deborah, L. (2009). Novel Multicellular Organotypic Models of Normal and Malignant Breast: Tools for Dissecting the Role of Microenvironmen in Breast Cancer Progression. Breast Cancer Research, 11, p.3. Festing, S. (2008). Animal Research—a Defense. Retrieved from http://www. Newstatesman.con/life-and-society/2008/03/animal-rights-debate. Gilland, T. (2002). Animal Experimentation: Good or Bad? London: Hodder. It’s a Dog’s Life. (2005). Small World Productions, pp. 54, 56. Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group. (1984). History of nonhuman animal Research. Boston, MA: Bedford. Regan, T. (1985). The Case for animal rights. New York: Basil Blackwell. Sandra, L.(2005). Lab monkeys in tests. The Grardian. p. R3. Singer, P. (2006). In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Thomas, P.(2008). Animal Testing—Dangerous to Human Health. Retrieved From http://www.newstatesman/life-and-society/2008/animal-right

Sunday, September 29, 2019

James Joyce †An encounter Essay

An encounter is a short story and also a part of the collection named Dubliners written by James Joyce in 1914. Dubliners is a great literary work of the 20th Century, a real masterpiece. Because of its structure and unity of themes, it can be read as a novel. The stories are based on the author’s personal experiences in Ireland. They are stories of desperate lives lived on the margins. Dublin was, to Joyce, ‘the centre of paralysis’. An encounter describes the Irish society, the prejudices and restrictions of the century, the monotony of life, and the unability of people to change their lives. In a letter to an editor, Joyce wrote: ,, I have tried to present it to the indifferent public under four of its aspects: childhood, adolescence, maturity, and public life. The stories are arranged in this order.’’ The main themes are: religion, the escape, freedom, journey, routine, isolation, paralysis and monotony. As a cultural background, people were looking for freedom, for new adventures tired of the routine of life. This aspect can be easily observed by the readers, in the story. The everyday life of Dubliners didn’t bring joy and excitement in their lives. One of the narrator’s confessions is: ,, But when the restraining influence of the school was at a distance I began to hunger again for wild sensations, for the escape which those chronicles of disorder alone seemed to offer me’’. So, the real adventures begin where the routine ends. Routine brings not only loneliness, but also despair, sadness and frustration. Joyce points out that routine is very dangerous, inevitable and it is seen as a trap from where you barely can get out. Joyce’s characters are looking for escape from the monotony of life, an escape that they are ashame of, but they fail and they always fall back in routine because of their inability to take actions: ,, But real adventures, I reflected, do not happen to people who remain at home: they must be sought abroad’’, says the narrator. The narration is made at the third person to describe people, places and at first person to express the psychologically complex and the thoughts of the author. The narrator and a boy called Mahony played games with cowboys and Indians, such as Wild West, which makes me believe that they see America as an icon for freedom and happiness: ,, The adventures related in the literature of the Wild West were remote from my nature but, at least, they opened doors of escape.’’ But, even the games they used to play aren’t a symbol of full freedom since they had to hide to play the games. They decided to skip a day of school and go in an adventure at the shore where they met an encounter. I think they made this choice because they were aware of the fact that they will never take part of real adventures at home. They started a disscusion about school, books, writers and ,,young sweethearts’’. I believe there is an unexpressed desire for adventures in the life of Dubliners that never turns into something concrete. This is a proof that the narrator is looking to escape from the cotidian life, but it doesn’t happen, as he and the boy return back home. They come to the conclusion that adventures don’t bring with them protection as the society does. However, even the protection offered by the Irish society was illusional. They arent’t able to escape the routine because they didn’t have time, they never made time, they were afraid of trying and experiencing something new and because freedom always brings more responsability and unknown in your life. Routine is a bad habit, a circle from where you can’t get out. Breaking the monotony of life is a challenge which if you aren’t able to take it until the end, it’s better not to take it at all. Also, An encounter reflects in a way the frustration of the Dubliners. The end of the story is ambiguous and interpretable. The encounter touches himself and talks about whipping. Some may think of the allusion of masturbation. I think Joyce wants to tell us through this character that even an adventurous life has its routine. The experience of the narrator with the old man is not the experience he would imagine to have. His expectations turned into disappointments. During the escape they find out that their image of freedom and their expectations weren’t what reality brought to them. Adventures aren’t only about happiness and freedom as the narrator believes, adventures also mean obstacles, fear and unknown paths. I find this story a little bit terrifying be cause of the character of the old man, his look and his actions. Even the discourse is  very unusual and ambiguous: ,, He began to speak on the subject of chastising boys. His mind, as if magnetized again by his speech, seemed to circle slowly round and round its new centre.†. He is percepted as a man with a sick and dirty mind. The encounter with the old man can also be seen as a meet between childhood and maturity where the purity and expectations of the young boys encounter a world less pure, safe and harmonius. It is a stage in which they face the true meanings of a matur world and begin to understand the maturity. The language is very dynamic. There are an abundance of details. Joyce uses in descriptions stylistic devices such as: epithets (,,innocent face’’, ,, wild sensations’’, ,, real adventures’’, ,, green leaves’’), comparations ( ,, he looked like some kind of an Indian’’, ,, boys like you’’, as wearisome to me as the routine’’), repetitions (,,This page or this page’’, ,,All right! All right!’’), alliterations (,,Hardly had the day dawned’’), exclamations (,,Till tomorrow, mates!’’), enumerations (,,blue and grey and even black’’). He is very ironic even through his characters that are aware of the fact they have to escape the world they live in, to seek freedom and happiness outside the society. They are aware that their world is a trap. So, their fault remains until the end their passivity. This moments of awareness ar e called by Joyce ,,epiphanies’’ and are used as structural devices in the stories. The story is like a mirror reflecting the Dublin society – a nation searching for its own identity, its darker side, its fears, but also hopes and unaccomplished desires. As Garry Leonard wrote: ,, a magic mirror converting a hard reality into a compensatory fantasy.’’ Through these short stories, the reader can notice the author’s desire to leave Dublin. He also reminds to people that they can escape the monotony of life by moving into the West and starting a new life where dreams may come true, where freedom can be manifested. Before reading Dubliners it is important to know the historical context. ,,Reading a text of Joyce’s can be compared to playing a piece of music – it can be done rapidly, skipping over  opaque or repetitious passages to gain a sense of the longer-range patterns and developments, or slowly, savouring the words, puzzling over the conundrums, following up the cross-references.’’ ( Derek Attridge) Bibliography: 1. Katherine Mullin, Cambridge Collections Online, James Joyce and the languages of modernism, Cambridge University Press, 2007 2. James Joyce, An encounter, David Campbell Publishers, 1991 3. Garry Leonard, Cambridge Collections Online, The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce,, Cambridge University Press, 2006 4. Derek Attridge, Cambridge Collections Online, Reading Joyce, Cambridge University Press, 2006 5. James R. Cope & Wendy Patrick Cope, A teacher’s guide to the Signet Classic Edition of James Joyce’s Dubliners, N.Y. : Penguin, 1994

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Critique The Mommy Tax by Ann Crittenden Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critique The Mommy Tax by Ann Crittenden - Essay Example Notably, Crittenden’s perspectives in regards to this statement extend beyond these earlier considerations as she additionally argues that this income disparity is linked to the women’s role as potential mother. She argues that one of the central desires of the workplace is have workers that are entirely unencumbered so that they can be entirely devoted to their employment. Women then present a challenge to this paradigm as if they have or may children they could be hindered in their job duties. For Crittenden then this constitutes a ‘mommy tax’. She believes that social activists should address this added tax in pro-active ways. Crittenden further criticizes this income disparity from a variety of perspectives. She articulates her own experience having children and having lost out of a significant amount of income. Additionally she notes that individuals in the highest paying jobs face the great challenges as they have the most skill and responsibility considerations. She notes that such distinctions between men and women have existed at least as early as the Bible. In current practice they take on a significant amount of importance as women who are childless make more than women who have children. There are a number of further contributing elements that researchers have identified. One considers that oftentimes workplaces refrain from paying maternity leave. Oftentimes mother’s work part time and are believed to have a recreational attitude towards work. Ultimately, Crittenden argues that the government should extend financial benefits towards mother, as well develop a more comprehensive take on anti-discriminatory practices. While Crittenden’s recognition that there is a tax on mothers in the work place is valid, it seems that such a tax is an in-born part of the financial system. In these regards, mothers truly do contribute less than individuals that are less encumbered by

Friday, September 27, 2019

Mattel's China experience Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mattel's China experience - Case Study Example For toys produced at company-run plants, Mattel has greater control over the materials that are used and the processes that are enacted during the production process. This is unlike contract manufacturers, who have somewhat of a free reign to do as they please. Materials are not tested before use and assembly plants are not regularly inspected with contract manufacturers. Even though Mattel hired independent investigators to check that materials and processes were up to standard, they were not able to detect any lead contamination in the paint used on toys. From a policy/audit standpoint, Mattel could have been more thorough in its investigations. First of all, the company could have appointed in-house inspectors to check that the toys met health and safety standards before the independent investigators were brought in. Having two sets of checks allows each report to be matched up and discrepancies found. Also, for the toys produced by contract manufacturers, additional testing shoul d have been completed to ensure that no lead was found in any products. Instead of just checking the products at the factories in China, another check should be made on all products when entering the United States. For a company that prides itself and safety and trust, it did not seem to have robust processes to check for product quality. In his media interview, senior vice-president Jim Walter said that manufacturing partners were required to use paint from approved and certified suppliers, but obviously this was not the case. If Mattel chooses to continue with using contract manufacturers, then the materials to be used should be sourced by Mattel and sent directly to the manufacturing partner. Mattel has very little control over the production processes used to make toys in those factories, but what it can do is conduct a thorough check of every toy that is produced by that method. 2. Assess Mattel’s performance during the toy recall process. How did the firm do with addres sing the concerns of various stakeholders? I feel that Mattel performed admirably in an almost impossible situation. The company was caught by surprise by the scandal and was forced to take retrospective action. Jim Walter gave a media interview that suggested at potential quality problems, but the company did put out a press release owning up to the problem. The company did not hide from this situation and chose to conduct a thorough investigation. This led to more discoveries of unsafe products, so it was a good thing that the company was quick to act. Although the was alarm from Americans, Robert Eckert did testify to the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Eckert was apologetic in his tone, but he did stress that this was the first quality issue stemming from China in more than 20 years of production there. Perhaps the one stakeholder that Mattel did not adequately address was the stock market, as the company's share price dropped massively as a result. Consumers did threaten to boycott the company's products initially, but the fact that the company was so quick to recall products allayed those concerns. 3. Going forward, how can Mattel recover from parental fears of unsafe toys produced by Mattel? What can the firm do to recover a positive reputation? First of all, it is going to take some time to recover from the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discussion #5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion #5 - Assignment Example That system renders African nations vulnerable to financial crises in case of a drop in the international market prices. The overreliance on exportation of cash crops confines the African nation’s agricultural sector into subsistence farming, a situation contributing to hunger and starvation in Africa. Hunger and starvation is a major challenge facing most African countries, as food remains a primary and essential need for human survival. The huge population growth in African nations has led to overpopulation leading to high instances of unemployment and dependency ratio in Africa. The high population growth rate in African nations unbalances the available resources leading to food insecurity that is a major challenge in Africa (Ali 15). African colonizers targeted and concentrated on the major cities and trading centers ignoring the villages and interior regions. As a result, imbalance in infrastructural, technological and social development exists between the cities and the rural set ups. With the rapid population growth rate unbalancing the available job opportunities in the rural areas, individuals move to the town centers in search of job opportunities (Ali 13). The migration leads to over population in the urban set up that is a major challenge. In addition, the migration also leads to culture clash and lowers the standards of living in the urban set ups. In effect, it lowers the gross domestic income and productivity of that particular nation. Lack of the employment opportunity in the urban areas eventually results in increased crime rates (Ali 15). These are the challenges confining most of the African nations. Lack of technological knowledge in most African nation’s rural set ups derail embracing of the new and modern western cultures and trends. The long-term effect of this is a complication of interaction between the cultural backward rural dwellers and the town dwellers. Such contrasts lead

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An Examination of Marketing Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

An Examination of Marketing Ethics - Essay Example The teleological, or consequences driven ethics, involve the utilitarian principle. Essentially, this means the ends justify the means. It also means someone must determine what is best for the most people, and what hurt tolerance is acceptable for the remainder. The individual perspective drives these utility decisions and perspectives more than a central decision maker can determine.  So, how do researchers use these various rules and theories to study ethics? The first controversy regards whether the ethical application is a framework or a theory. (Laczniak, 1983) There is no real consensus among marketers, so Laczniak opts to deal with these issues as framework: â€Å"a skeletal structure designed to support a perspective.† (1983) Supportive of this framework structure is a lack of empirical evidence to theorize about ethical behavior. The framework discussed will not derive ethical rules or laws, but will help marketing managers deal with decisions that have ethical imp lications. (ibid)   The consequences based ethic framework, that is, teleological, concerns four data points: perceived consequences for considered actions; probability that consequences will affect the stakeholder group; the good or bad of each consequence; and the relative importance of each group. (Hunt, 2006)  The subjective nature of these data is striking. The perceived consequences of any action are likely to be an incomplete list at best and in polar opposition to reality at worst.   Intent.  ... The Ten Commandments are largely codified in modern society. A review of ethics requires a review of certain principles and rules. The following list from Laczniak (1983): 1. The Golden Rule states ethical behavior treatment is based on how the actor would want to be treated. 2. The utilitarian principle implies ethical behavior is a result of the greatest good for the greatest number of people, and by extension, the least amount of bad. 3. Kant’s categorical imperative demands to act so that the action, under the circumstances, could be a universal ethical law or standard of behavior. 4. The professional ethic requires action that would be viewed as proper by a peer review process. 5. The TV test relies on management reflecting on a TV interview and asking â€Å"Would I be comfortable explaining to a national TV audience why I took this action?†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The utilitarian principle implies the end is more important than the means in ethical behavior. The other rules or th eories consider behavior to be moral or immoral, and results to be less controllable by the actor. Behavior based ethics are referred to as deontological while the results or consequence theories are teleological. (Hunt & Vitell, 1986) The teleological, or consequences driven ethics, involve the utilitarian principle. Essentially, this means the ends justify the means. It also means someone must determine what is best for the most people, and what hurt tolerance is acceptable for the remainder. The individual perspective drives these utility decisions and perspectives more than a central decision maker can determine. So, how do researchers use these various rules and theories to study ethics? The first controversy regards whether the ethical application is a framework or a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Controllers for Marine Engineering Systems Essay - 1

Controllers for Marine Engineering Systems - Essay Example Time was calculated with that device by regulating the water level in a vessel and ascertaining the quantum of its flow out of it. (Australian Maritime College, department of maritime time engineering lecture notes on instrumentation and process control. (, viewed on 23rd August , 2007) Development of instrumentation and control systems were very slowly till the Second World War. It progressed and accelerated with tremendous speed after the war. Initial progress was in single loop control systems. These contain a single feedback channel and this technology was elaborated since then for acquiring multi-loop systems In recent years marine vehicles are designed in swift progression. There are unmanned underwater vehicles, surface ships and high-speed crafts with integrated bridges. These marine vehicles and their engines are controlled with the aid of computer science. But designing and producing a computer-based automatic control system were challenging in marine control engineering till recently. Several types of control are used now. They are control applications in marine and offshore systems like CAMS (Control Applications in Marine Systems) and MCMC (Maneuvering and Control of Marine Crafts), maneuvering, control and ship positioning systems, robust and reliable control systems, optimization methods in marine systems and modeling, underwater vehicles and robotics, offshore systems, traffic guidance and control systems, fault tolerant control, detection and isolation in marine systems, engine and machinery control systems, machinery surveillance, condition monitoring and quality control systems, networking and IT for marine control. (, page 1, viewed on 23rd August 2007). The history of automatic process control reveals that the PID controller heralded all the mechanical devices used in the marine engineering. Earlier these mechanical controllers used a lever, spring and a mass. Compressed air activated the system and 2 such pneumatic controllers were treated as the industry standard. Times have changed then and likewise the techniques. Proportional Integral Derivative, abbreviated to PID controller is a generic control loop feedback mechanism. It is extensively applied in industrial control systems. This controller rectifies errors occurred between a measured process variable and a set-point by calculating and outputting corrective action which could adjust the process. (, viewed on 23rd August, 2007). The calculation is based on three elements viz., the Proportional, the Integral and Derivative values. The first one considers the reaction to the present error, while the second regulates the reaction on the sum of recent errors and the third determines the reaction to the rate of error change. The sum of these three is taken as output to a control element. By adjusting the proportional, the integral and the derivative values, the PID can give control action for specific requirements.

Monday, September 23, 2019

What were the Main Causes of the First World War Essay

What were the Main Causes of the First World War - Essay Example Same was the case with World War One (W.W.1) that erupted in the beginning of 20th century and took the entire world in its fold, no continent was safe from it, and the major stakeholders were from nearly three continents. All the major events that took place in the history if traced back reveal that various long term reasons were behind them. Various factors contributed to the beginning of the fire, the military might, hostility towards each other, oppression of the weak, colonialism, race for resources, all these factors were building and in boiling for around twenty to thirty years and resulted in eruption of volcano in the name of World War One that lasted more than four years between 1914 and 1918 and had the entire world under its grip. This war changed the dynamics of happenings that were to take place in the coming years and decades of the century, and created new foes and new friends. Initially the rivalries were bi party and involved only two nations, two prime examples in this case can be seen as the rift that was going on between the Germans and French in 1870s(Howard, 2001), and Serbs and Austria-Hungry. Such small events and battles between the two nations result in providing a playground for large scale war which gives rise to battles that go beyond the borders of countries and engulf the continents ,similar case happened in case of World war one. More often than not it is seen that constitution of strategic alliances and groups result in further hostility of relations towards the other bench and such case was exhibited in World War One, though two strong entities were being established, yet they rather provided a medium for the two blocks to merge stand and operate against each other. A world war is termed as one that involves more than five super powers of that time, and enrolls two or more continents in its fire, World War One had the ingredients of both .The causes of a worldwide fire were building for many years, however there were few major events that became the reason for its opening and can be termed as the driving forces towards the launch. Initially known as the â€Å"Great war† .Primarily it involved Europe and its colonies but later extended its arms to America and Japan. A French politician once said, the large empire was important not only from trade point of view, but prestige as well. This was the kind of mind set in the late 19th and early 20th century. A battle for overseas territory was in offing between the European players, the battle was more for capturing the resources in those parts of the world that were neglected or had weak governance system and no protection means. One similar case that came to forefront in this regard was the dispute between the French and the Germans over the control of Morocco, this event took place in the early years of twentieth century. The 20th century was characterized by colonialism of the weak entities on the surface of earth and parts of Asia and Africa was bei ng ruled by the dominant forces mostly from Europe in form of Great Britain, Germany and France. The colonies were ironically enriched with natural resources, strategic positioning, for that reason every strong nation fancied occupying a land (Sanderson, 2001).This created a rift between the strong and mighty. The colonialism was the exploitation of the poor and weak by the strong ones, those who saw it from outside and had some strength saw it as an opportunity to enter the battle. The Stake holders of the World war: Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungry, who were later joined by Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire Allies: Great Britain, France, Serbia, Russia and few others, Italy, Greece . French Sense of Nationalism: The atmosphere all around smelled that of nationalism and French nationalists also saw their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Middle East History Essay Example for Free

Middle East History Essay Concerning the security and foreign policy issue, this paper will discuss about the history and politics of India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan that experience intertwined since the first two became independent in 1947. In addition, the three countries also have also distinctive relationship with United States. For the reason, this paper will address how India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan define their vital security interests in relation to the other two during the past 59 years, how the each country seek to advance their respective interests vis-a-vis the other two, and how successful or unsuccessful each has been in doing so. Moreover, this paper will also highlight the countries’ policy positions with regards to their relationship with United States within the past 59 years and how their bilateral relations with the United States related to their relations with the other two South Asian states. 2. India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan Over 50 years in the past, India and Pakistan developed into separate countries on August 15, 1947. The frightening murder of half a million peoples and the evacuating of approximately 15 million men, women, and children blemished what should have been a wonderful event. Just a few months previously, a small number of people had ever perceived sound of the word â€Å"Pakistan†, a thought created by some Muslim intellectuals in 1933 who maintained that there were two separate states in India (Riencourt, A. , 2007). The two-nation assumption of the Muslim League was never admitted by the Hindu-dominated Congress Party, which leaders were all for the formation of an integrated and severely worldly India with complete defense for every religious minority and poor exiles. Pakistan turned into a reality in the 1947 and analyzed its bravery almost directly in the first Indo-Pakistani war on Kashmir (Riencourt, A. , 2007). Therefore, in a very short period, the major advantage of British colonialism in the subcontinent-its political agreement-was annihilated. The Western world compensated slight consideration, at the time, to the long-scope geopolitical effects of this growth. At the present, maybe well over three decades afterward, it ought to compensate a expensive price for this carelessness, in the glow of the current occasions in Afghanistan. 3. India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan and Definition of their vital security interests In the most common definition, the cold war was political, ideological and economic struggle that emerge between the Soviet Union and the Unites States (and allies) right after the Second World War the struggle occurred between 1947 and 1991. It was called the cold war because real physical confrontation never occurred between the superpower nations. The ‘war’ was happening in the form of arms race (including nuclear weapons), developing military alliances, economic warfare (which involves trade embargos, etc), political propaganda, and intelligence warfare (espionage). There were always risks of full range nuclear war with tremendous casualties; however, the closest event to a war is the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1962, which ended with US, triumphed over the Soviet Union by means of international diplomacy (Gaddis, 1972). Within the cold war issue, it is reasonable if superpower country like the U. S. worries about the development of countries in Asia that continue advancing power. In addition, security becomes a vital interest of any countries. For example, in the year 2000, United Kingdom faced an issue of security due to a preposition by the United States government, as efforts of addressing security concerns of the 21st century. The US government would like to deploy a National Missile Defense (NMD) which would most likely have a significant impact on strategic stability and UK security (‘The 2000 review’, 2000). Similarly, direct on South Asia has mainly remained on the India-Pakistan opposition and conflicts over Kashmir more than fifty years ago. This facet outshined the consequence of Pakistan-Afghanistan relationships on the security interests of the South-Central Asian area. The past and social aspect of the Afghanistan-Pakistan relationship has been and will continue significant in the developing regional spirits (Riencourt, A. , 2007). Following the ending of the Cold War, this relation turned into a major catalyst of the global terrorist group that found its locus in the area. For the majority of Pakistan’s impartial history, relationships with Afghanistan have been difficult and have been distinguished by continuing reciprocal doubt that sometimes revealed in rules of intervention and even efforts at deterioration (Riencourt, A. , 2007). Positioned at the convergence of big mountains and through a chaotic history, the Pakistan-Afghanistan area was once denoted as the â€Å"fight arena of Asia†. Natural features have positioned the area at the junction of international and regional political affairs, strategic and especially financial interests, as a possible channel for energy ways (Riencourt, A. , 2007). The political environment of the area has changed considerably since the proceedings of September 11, 2001. Afghanistan and Pakistan have since gone back to the normal of the global system. However, cynicism and apprehension of rehabilitated conflict amid them continues and they refresh bilateral relationships through wary hopefulness (â€Å"PAKISTAN†, 2006). In due course, India, Pakistan, and the United States ought to think about a cooperative Provisional Reconstruction Team in the northwest of Afghanistan, further than the Pakistan boundary. All these attempts are going to be time-consuming received. However, unless an approach to alleviate the fundamental Pakistan-India conflict in Afghanistan is established, the state will remain to be an arena for this chiefly undeclared fighting. The advantages of making collaboration and confide in Afghanistan will aid forward the broader India-Pakistan tension and improve security around the area (â€Å"PAKISTAN†, 2006). In its security scheming, Pakistan identifies India looking for a tactical covering, a rule of influencing occasions in Afghanistan and Iran to bring out anti-Pakistan reactions to produce political and security troubles for Pakistan. Military policy currently particularly in the nuclear circumstance has transformed the situation and the notions of combat fighting. At greatest, Pakistan possibly will find a sociable Afghanistan presenting a tactical relief zone for restricted logistic nourishment and endorsement in the occasion of upcoming fighting with India (â€Å"Resolving the Pakistan-Afghanistan Stalemate†, 2006). 4. Respective interests among India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan There is abundance to be cynical about the recent ‘concord’ progression amid Pakistan and India. The direct desires following this concord process are none too heartening. Specifically, the military-led government in Islamabad is in great force from its U. S. supporters to accept a collaborative position vis-a-vis the giant eastern neighbor. As you would have thought, the Pakistani military is a communal participant with a record and culture of hostility in the direction of India. Several peace-process idealists say that it is for this very motive that the military is the most dependable bringer of peace. Fragile national leaders cannot create believable guarantees and continue to exist (â€Å"PAKISTAN†, 2006). At all normalization process would weaken the political legality of the armed forces as an unit, accordingly giving augmentation to challenges to its assertions on the state’s financial resources. These assertions would not be restricted to the community reward, although that is significant. They would expand to the military’s great and increasing business territory, covering segments for example manufacturing, economics, property enlargement, shipment, air travel, and farming (â€Å"PAKISTAN†, 2006). Pakistan’s military founding, the state’s most influential political attention group, maintains to consider India as an existing hazard. The U. S. might depart Pakistan to its own ways, its purposes might be restrained, there might be a government failure in Afghanistan, or a government transform in Washington DC. American motivation to support the Pakistani military moderates the latter from financial requirements and political voters for peace making (Riencourt, A. , 2007). The Pakistan-India boundary is forced to be infringed, for the financial necessities are just too overpowering. The increasing amount of lawful and recognized business amid the two countries, as well as approximates of unlawful and unrecognized business, confirms to this predictability. The two economies are not merely geographical neighbors. They work at equal levels of knowledge, and divide comparable levels of buying power, flavors, and favorites. They are genuine candidates for market incorporation (Riencourt, A. , 2007). India and Pakistan are increasing their financial systems with the intention of struggle in international markets. They run in greatly aggressive zones where market share relies on small dissimilarities in border. The lagging of the two financial systems places tensions, occasionally intolerable ones, on national customers and producers in a similar way. Pakistani producers have been converted into powerful supporters of the import of cheaper Indian capital assets and underdone materials. Main upcoming investments in the energy area, and therefore in every other area, depend on political collaboration amid the two states. Although the U. S. obstructs the Iran-Pakistan-India gas channel, an option for example the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas route is feasible as long as the Pakistan-India part remains integral as well (â€Å"Resolving the Pakistan-Afghanistan Stalemate†, 2006). 5. The policy positions the three countries took toward the United States and the bilateral relations with the United States In India’s circumstances, the behavior of cooperation with Washington have been belatedly in developing and have yet to attain the levels occasionally documented in the history of U. S. and Pakistan relationships. Trade and industry, however, binds amid India and the U. S. have extended outstandingly in current years and an epidemic of combined military completions and artillery agreements among them give assurance of developing into a qualitatively new type of tactical corporation (â€Å"U. S. Policy Toward India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan†, 2003). For one point, Pakistan’s nuclear controlling and selling in the previous some years has stimulated considerable concern in the U. S. in excess of the security of Islamabad’s nuclear weapons course. Pakistan’s unsteady promise to self-governing regulation is also difficult for Washington, and the Indian and Pakistani governments have conditions, to this point mainly subdued publicly, on the subject of Washington’s Iraq strategy. More than the long-standing, both governments stay intensely apprehensive of Washington’s purposes, particularly of its readiness and capability to uphold recent promises (Rauf, T. , 2001). Preserving welcoming binds with the U. S. continues a subject of greatest significance to both India and Pakistan. Therefore, appeasing the U. S. , preventing acts that might disturb the intrinsically fragile trilateral agreement in position at present, obviously considers in computations completed concerning their relations with the other. This noticeably provides Washington surprising advantage, comprising several abilities for soothing and even changeing India-Pakistan relationships. When forceful national interests are in the balance, on the other hand, Washington’s advantage is probable to show somewhat not real (â€Å"U. S. Policy Toward India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan†, 2003). 6. Conclusion Pakistan and Afghanistan have had mainly opposed relationships beneath all governments except the Taliban, since Pakistan was built as constituent of the separation of India in 1947. Several parts of disagreement were also taken over from tensions amid Afghanistan and India when it was in British colonial regulation. Afghanistan’s governments, together with that of the Taliban, have never identified the Durand Line amid the two countries as a global boundary and have created assertions on the Pashtun and Baluch areas of Pakistan. Today’s cross-border rebellions, with their refuges and encourage networks in Pakistan, are cultivated by the similar sources as earlier tensions, as well as worldwide Islamist movements (â€Å"Resolving the Pakistan-Afghanistan Stalemate†, 2006). A progression must work in the direction of restructurings in the FATA of Pakistan. The U. S. , NATO, and the UN should have the same opinion to send a general note to Islamabad: that the perseverance of Taliban refuges in Pakistan is a danger to global peace and safety that Pakistan has to deal with instantly. In addition, they should concur to advise Afghanistan and India to accomplish all in their authority to support Pakistan to create hard decisions by forwarding sources of Pakistani diffidence, as well as problems with reference to the boundary area and Kashmir. They are supposed to aggressively endorse this progression and take action as backers and funders of every agreement that generate from it (Riencourt, A. , 2007). On condition that India and Pakistan continue antagonistic to each other, Afghanistan is deliberately significant to both. It is very important to Pakistan that it not have unsociable authorities on its east and west boundaries, while from India’s viewpoint, Afghanistan would present excellent strategic moorland to press Pakistan. Reasonably, as well, Afghanistan possesses great assurance. Last year, The U. S. joined Afghanistan and Pakistan mutually in the course of the formation of Reconstruction Opportunity Zones that would get U. S. tax exceptions (â€Å"PAKISTAN†, 2006). Moreover, Afghanistan is a solution to the business ways and energy channels of Central Asia. Therefore, if the U. S. is going to overturn this miserable weakening in Afghanistan, it will require the encouragement of both India and Pakistan. These two big states are supposed to be taught from the past mistakes, combating over Afghanistan is not the way out. The losses are too large.Washington and Kabul have to seek methods to invest both states in aiding to build Afghanistan an accomplishment (â€Å"PAKISTAN†, 2006). Reference: â€Å"Effects on Trends in Trade Policy from 1850-1914. † GradeSaver. Retrieved August 28, 2007 from http://www. gradesaver. com/search Gaddis, John Lewis. The United States and the Origins of the Cold War 1941–1947. Columbia University Press, 1972 House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Eighth Report, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Session 1999-2000, HC 407, The Stationery Office, 25th July 2000, paragraph 40 Krugman, Paul R. , and Maurice Obstfeld. International Economics: Theory and Policy. Addison-Wesley, 1997 Lipschutz. Ronnie D. â€Å"Seeking a State of Ones Own: An Analytical Framework for Assessing `Ethnic and Sectarian Conflict. † 1998. pp. 44-77, in: Beverly Crawford Ronnie D. Lipschutz (eds. ), The myth of ethnic conflict: politics, economics, and cultural violence (Berkeley: Institute of International Area Studies, UC-Berkeley). at: http://escholarship. cdlib. org/ias/crawford/crawford02. html †PAKISTAN. † 2006. Retrieved August 28, 2007 from http://www. angelfire. com/mac/egmatthews/worldinfo/asia/pakistan. html Rauf, T. â€Å"United States Seeks Pakistans Assistance. † 2001. Retrieved August 28, 2007 from http://cns. miis. edu/research/wtc01/pak. htm â€Å"Resolving the Pakistan-Afghanistan Stalemate. † 2006. Retrieved August 28, 2007 from http://www. usip. org/pubs/specialreports/sr176. pdf Riencourt, A. â€Å"India and Pakistan in the Shadow of Afghanistan. † 2007. Retrieved August 28, 2007 from http://www. foreignaffairs. org/19821201faessay8309/amaury-de-riencourt/india-and-pakistan-in-the-shadow-of-afghanistan. html

Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Best Friend Essay Example for Free

My Best Friend Essay Everyone has a friend with whom you feel like sharing every moment of your life. I am lucky that I found one .We have known each other since I was in grade 7. To me, he is really special boy. Not only does he has a good appearance, he also has a good personality. He is smart and handsome. However, the thing that makes everybody like him the most is his personality .He is always very positive, cheerful and modest. Hes one of the best student in my class. Hes good at every subject, but she never showed pride in his abilities and always tried to learn harder. Besides, hes always ready to help her friends in their study. Thats why many people in my class cherished him. Furthermore, he is very warm-hearted and friendly .Though he is bit different from every guy I have met so far, he fails to express himself most of the times , apart from this he is very caring, kind, and makes friends selflessly. Moreover, to me, he is a great friend who always knows how to take care and share. Whenever Im sad or cheerful, happy or in sorrow, hes always next to me to share with me. Sometimes, I get into trouble, which makes me tired , worried and discouraged, he is always willing to come beside me, help me calm down, give me helpful advice so that I can come over. Not only that, he is very reliable, I can share my secrets with him without a bit worries. He is really a person who always listens to me, understands me every time and every where, though he has different attitude to tackle things. Thats why he became my close friend. I always feel proud because of having a great friend likes him on my side.