Monday, December 23, 2019

Capital Punishment And The Death Penalty - 2061 Words

Capital punishment is an issue that has been continuously debated for the past few decades and will keep on being discussed and argued about for a long time to come. Capital punishment is the act of executing somebody as punishment for committing a particular felony and crime after being served a lawful legal trial. Executions can only be utilized by a state, and if used by non-state organizations it is considered as committing a murder. Capital punishment, which is also known as the death penalty, has a long history going back to the sixteenth Century BC. In the sixteenth Century BC Egypt, a death penalty was requested for parts of honorability, who were charged with an offense of using sorcery and magic. They were commanded to seize their own life with their own hands. The non-honorable were traditionally slaughtered with an ax. During the eighteenth Century BC, Babylonian King Hammurabi had a law that determined capital punishment for twenty-five distinct criminal acts, despite the fact of that; murder was not one of them (Kari Sable, Death Penalty, Capital punishment has been around since the time of all prophets of the three Abrahamic faiths including Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them all). Therefore capital punishment is affirmed and confirmed in all three Abrahamic religions; Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Since capital punishment is a hotly debated issue and is considered as one of the most controversial lawsShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1482 Words   |  6 PagesMrs. McElmoyl 12/12/14 Capital Punishment As stated by former governor of New York, Mario M. Cuomo, Always I have concluded the death penalty is wrong because it lowers us all; it is a surrender to the worst that is in us; it uses a power- the official power to kill by execution- that has never brought back a life, need inspired anything but hate. (Cuomo 1) This is one of the main arguments against capital punishment (also known as the death sentence.) Capital punishment is the ability for a governmentRead MoreThe Death Penalty Of Capital Punishment1480 Words   |  6 Pagesjustice system, such as the death penalty. Capital punishment has been used many times in history all around the world, and it was quite popular. Many people argue that capital punishment is useful in deterring crime and that it is only fair that criminals receive death as punishment for a heinous crime. On the contrary, others see the death penalty as a violation of the 8th amendment. It restricts excessive fines, and it also does not allow cruel and u nusual punishment to be inflicted upon criminalsRead MoreThe Death Penalty And Capital Punishment931 Words   |  4 Pageswritten down (Robert). The death penalty was applied for a particularly wide range of crimes. The Romans also used death penalty for a wide range of offenses. Historically, the death sentence was often handled with torture, and executions, except that it was done in public. In this century, the death penalty, execution or capital punishment, whatever you’d like to refer it as, is the result for committing capital crimes or capital offences and it is not in public. The death penalty has been practiced byRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty991 Words   |  4 PagesCapital Punishment Imagine your having a normal morning, eating breakfast doing your normal routine. Suddenly your phone rings and when you answer you hear the worst news possible. One of your family members has just been murdered in cold blood. You cry, mourn, then become angry. You attend the court hearing and you sit less than 20 feet away from the murderer. Do you truly believe this person deserves to live? Or should they face a punishment that is equal to their crime? Some may say CapitalRead MoreThe Death Penalty And Capital Punishment1569 Words   |  7 Pagesthe death penalty also referred to as capital punishment. The death penalty is both useless and harmful to not only criminals but also their potential victims. This paper uses these horrific facts to try and convince the reader that the death penalty should be done away with before it is too late, although that time may have already come. With supporting evidence to support my cause, I hope that the following information sways at least one reader to see the harm of keeping the death penalty an activeRead MoreCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1410 Words   |  6 PagesCapital Punishment in America In 1976 the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled the Death Penalty constitutionally permissible. The debate over capital punishment has always been a topic of great controversy. Before the Supreme Court ruling in 1976 America had been practicing capital punishment for centuries. At the current time some states enforce the death penalty, while some do not. There are differences of opinion’s relating to whether or not the death penalty is the proper wayRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1235 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is capital punishment? Why do people support it, but yet people cherish lives? Is it a moral thing to do? Should one be for or against the Death Penalty? Let’s take a look deep into the world of justices and why capital punishment still exists in today’s society. Capital punishment or the death penalty is a federal punishment given to criminals who are convicted of murders. It is the highest law punishment available that c an prevent future murders by developing fear within them. Capital punishmentRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1017 Words   |  5 PagesName: Lucas Falley Topic: Capital Punishment Background: Capital punishment, or the death penalty, has existed for thousands of years. For as long as there has been organized society, the death penalty has existed in numerous cultures and civilizations. Throughout the years the methods have changed, but the use of capital punishment is becoming a pressing matter. Amnesty International reports that there are 140 countries worldwide that have abolished the death penalty, while over 50 countries stillRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is A Capital Punishment1271 Words   |  6 Pages What is the death penalty? The death penalty is a capital punishment that is punishable by death or execution. This is usually given to people that have committed serious offences or capital crimes. There are 31 states in the United States that are for the death penalty. Crimes that are punishable by the death penalty, vary from state to state. Examples of such crimes are; first degree murder or premeditated murder, murder with special circumstances, such as: intende d, multiple, and murder whichRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1539 Words   |  7 PagesCapital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been the center of debate for a long time. Capital punishment may be defined as the â€Å"[e]xecution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense† (Capital Punishment). Up until 1846, when Michigan became the first to abolish the death sentence, all states allowed legal practice of capital punishment by the government (States). Currently, there 32 states still supporting the death penalty and 18

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Becoming a Social Worker Free Essays

Becoming A Social Worker Sindy Griffin Rasmussen College Author Note This research is being submitted on June 10, 2011, For Ian Provo HS100/HUS1001 sec01 Introduction to Human Services at Rasmussen College by Sindy Griffin Growing up in the 1970’s where there were limited resources, and having an abusive father was very difficult for my mother and us four children. Having such difficult times as a child though no fault of my mothers and then being married to an abusive husband for 18 years myself, has given me the strength and desire to become a Human Service Worker. Becoming a Caseworker will be fulfilling a lifelong dream to help those in need no matter the crisis they may be seeking to cure. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a Social Worker or any similar topic only for you Order Now In realization becoming a Caseworker has many responsibilities. Some of the main responsibilities include:† Verifying information through interviews, applications, and applying regulations and memoranda to provide income to individuals and families. † (US Department of Labor, 2010-11). Optimizing client functioning by providing quality services in an efficient and effective manner to people with complex needs. Being a caseworker requires a strong foundation of training, values, knowledge, theory and skills. Clients who have been identified as in need as the result of an outreach or referral service can be assisted by a caseworker, which must then conduct face-to-face assessments of the client’s strengths and weaknesses, as to conduct research for financial and or institutional recourses that may be available for the client’s individual needs. Many resources may be used in this process to insure the client receives some if not all the requested needs. Some of the responsibilities are as follows: In a case where a client came to me and requested assistance to escape from an abusive husband, I would assist her first by analyzing her situation to properly resolve her immediate needs, such as shelter, food, clothing and etc. We would then progress to other needs such as legal, emotional and psychological support. Researching outside sources would become the most of priority to give the client the help she is requesting. We will also have many clients come forth with substance abuse problems as well. Again we must analyze his or her situation to determine what resources are available for the client. Whether it be simple counseling or a rehab center. We must then try talking to the client about what they think the best treatment plan would be for themselves to overcome their addiction. These situations have to be handled gently as not to scare the client away. Developing a relationship to the client is very important in this situation. Once this has been accomplished the client will be more acceptable to change and be prepared to move on to outside agencies or support groups to assist with their addiction. A Caseworker must also meet the required education standards which are as follows: â€Å"The social work case manager shall have a baccalaureate or graduation degree from a social work program accredited by the council on social work education. † (Workers, International Federation of Social) A social worker must also use professional skills for all clients they attempt to assist, while keeping the information confidential. They must also be knowledgeable as to the resources that are available to the client, as well as knowing the cost of such resources. The caseworker should be sure they can handle the caseload they attempt to assist as to not leave anyone out. Being very committed to our job is one of the main keys to being a successful caseworker. A Caseworker will also experience many challenges along the way. These challenges will have to be handled with a smile and lots of patients as to not let the client see that you may be distressed. Although there are many challenges we will face along the way, one of the main ones is the case overload. Many caseworkers today have an over abundance of cases at one time. This problem causes the paperwork process to be slow and seem as though we are not doing our job, causing the client to become frustrated and feel as if they are not getting your full attention. Being able to communicate with the client should be of utmost importance as well as assuring them that you will in fact complete their case as soon as possible. There are also many stress outlets that come along with our profession as well. We may face this on a daily basis as well. One of the most common in our field is rude clients and emotional attachment. The loyalty of a caseworker is often in the middle of a conflicting interest. † (Workers, International Federation of Social) Meaning that as we do our jobs as caseworkers, we may also come across situations that we have encountered ourselves as a non-caseworker and actually experience some sort of favoritism to the case at hand, in turn we this could cause a conflict with the interest of your remaining clients. Caseworkers must re member the urgency of all of their cases not just the ones that mean the most to them. Clients that become rude may only be acting in this manner because they feel as if they are being ignored and that they will not receive the proper assistance as quickly as they anticipated. This type of action may cause undue stress on the caseworker to complete their case. We must be able to some how assure the client we are working on their case as quickly as possible and they will be contacted as soon as it is complete. Handling stress that comes with being a caseworker can be quite challenging in itself. One of the first things I may try and do is try and remind myself of the reasons I chose to become a caseworker. Though our jobs may be stressful in many ways we have to remember the desire we had or have to help those in need. We may also learn that just simple things like taking a walk or stopping and making a phone call to a friend or colleague can reduce the amount of negative energy we may be experiencing. Co-workers can be great stress relievers as they too experience the stress that is closely related to what you may be feeling at that time, after all we are here to help one another not only help the client in need, but those who work closest to us as well. The reason I have chosen to become a Social Worker is that I have a strong desire to help those in need. No matter what their issue may be. I believe there is help out there for everyone. I want to be part of the reason some of the ones that are struggling in this world today will be able to find hope and succeed in their lives. Although my job will come with many challenges, requirements, and responsibilities, it will not let me forget the reward I will feel in my heart that someone somewhere is beginning a new life because we stopped long enough to let them no that they could. Just as â€Å"Jane Addams, who is considered the mother of all social workers said: Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all men. She is known for being one of the most famous social workers of all times, using her training and education to do only good. † (Article Pros , n/d) . I too hope I can be one of the greatest Social Workers of all times. Conclusion Although there are many responsibilities and requirements in the caseworker field of employment, and the job consists of lots of commitment and research to assist clients with their psychological and physical needs. Case Workers must understand the complexity of all cases they have, as well as knowing who and where they need to refer the client to for their specific needs. Keeping in consideration the Caseworker poses so many challenges, stress and stress outlets, We as Caseworkers must remember that we are here to help those in need. They are like harmless children waiting to be saved from the world. Overcoming the many challenges and stressful situations is what we have been waiting to do our entire lives. We just have to remember the compassion and desire to be a Caseworker is instilled in us and we should never forget its value to the client in need or ourselves. By doing all these things we can make a difference in the world one case at a time. Becoming a Caseworker is my life long dream. Being able to help those in need will give me the fulfillment in my life I have been missing for so many years. Just waking in the morning and knowing that I could possibly save someone’s life or even just give them a sense of belonging makes all the esponsibilities, requirements, challenges, stress and commitment worth the effort. References Bibliography Article Pros . (n/d). Retrieved May 2011, from www. articalpros. com/self-improvement/phycology/artical-665318. htm. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Us Department of Labor. (2010-2011). Occupational Outlook Handbook 2010-2011 Edition, Social Workers. Retrieved May 2011, from http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos060. htm. Demand Media Inc. (1999-2011). http://ehow. com/about_514504_ caseworker-description-job-html. Retrieved May 2011 http://www. careerinformation. tml/e-p-a-c-s-c-a. (n/d). Retrieved May 2011 NASW National Association of Social Workers N. A. (2007). Retrieved May 2011, from www. socialworkers. org/pubs/code. asp. US Department of Labor. (2010-11). Http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos060. htm. Retrieved May 02, 2011, from Bereau of labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011 Edition, Social Workers Workers, International Federation of Social. (n. d. ). International Association of Schools of Social Work. (FSW, Editor) Retrieved May 2011, from http://www. ifsw. org/f38000032. htm. How to cite Becoming a Social Worker, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Unit 9 Exercise 1 Light sources free essay sample

Unit 9. Exercise 1. Light Sources and Components – Definitions 1. Forward Biased LED – Semiconductor diode with a positive voltage applied to the p-region and a negative voltage to the n-region. 2. Incoherent Light – Light in which the electric and magnetic fields of photons are completely random in orientation. Incoherent light is typically emitted from light bulbs and LEDs. 3. Laser – Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The laser produces a coherent source of light with a narrow beam and a narrow spectral bandwidth (about 2cm). Lasers in fiber optics are usually solid-state semiconductor types. Lasers are used to provide the high-powered, tightly controlled light wavelengths necessary for high-speed, long-distance optical fiber transmissions. 4. Output Pattern – LED and laser semiconductors used in fiber-optic light sources are packaged to couple as much light as possible into the core of the optical fiber. The output pattern, or NA of the light source directly relates to the energy coupled into the core of the optical fiber. 5. Ouput Power – This power of light sources used in fiber-optic communication systems varies dramatically depending on the application. LEDs are typically designed to support transmission distances of up to 2km while laser light achieves distances in excess of 80km. Laser optical power output levels can exceed LED optical output power levels by more than 20dB. 6. Modulation Speed – One factor that can limit the performance/bandwidth of a fiber-optic communication system via the light source. 7. Core Diameter Mismatch – Occurs when there is a difference in the core diameters of the two optical fibers. A los may occur when the core diameter of the transmitting optical fiber is greater than the core diameter of the receiving optical fiber. 8. Current – Flow of electrons in a conductor. 9. PIN Photodiode – works like a PN photodiode; however, it is manufactured to offer better performance. The better performance comes in the form of improved efficiency and greater speed 10. Avalanche Photodiode – With respect to optical fiber equipment, a specialized diode designed to use the avalanche multiplication of photocurrent. The photodiode multiplies the effect of the photons it absorbs, acting as an amplifier. 11. Responsivity – The ratio of a detector’s output to input, usually measured in units of amperes per watt. Also it’s the measure of how well a photodiode converts a wavelength or range of wavelengths of optical energy into electrical current. 12. Optical Subassembly – The portion of a fiber-optic receiver that guides light from the optical fiber to the photodiode. 13. Dynamic Range – The difference between the maximum and minimum optical input power that an optical receiver can accept. 14. Operating Wavelength – The wavelength at which a fiber-optic receiver is designed to operate. Typically, an operating wavelength includes a range of wavelengths above the below the stated wavelength. 15. Fiber-Optic Coupler – A device that combines or splits optical signals. 16. Optomechanical Switch – Redirects an optical signal by moving fiber or bulk optic elements by means of the mechanical devices. 17. Optical Attenuator – Reduces the intensity of light waves, usually so that the power is within the capacity of the detector. There are three basic forms of attenuators: fixed optical attenuators, stepwise variable optical attenuators, and continuous variable optical attenuators. Attenuation is normally achieved either by a doped fiber or an offset or core misalignment. 18. Optical Isolator – A component used to block out reflected and other unwanted light. 19. Wavelength Division Multiplexing – A method of carrying multiple channels through a fiber at the same time whereby signals within a small spectral range are transmitted at different wavelengths through the same optical-fiber cable. 20. Passive Optical Network – An optical network that does not electrically powered equipment or components to get the signal from one place to another. 21. FTTH – Fiber-to-the-home uses optical fiber from the central office to the home. 22. FTTB – Fiber-to-the-building uses optical fiber from the central office to the building and there are no electronics helping with the transmission in between. 23. FTTC – Fiber-to-the-curb fiber runs from the central office and stops at the curb. 24. FTTN – Fiber-to-the-node only has optical fiber from the central office to the node. 25. Feeder Cable – A voice backbone cable that runs from the equipment room cross-connect to the telecommunications cross-connect. A feeder cable may also be the cable running from a CO to a remote terminal, hub, head end, or node. 26. Distribution Cable – An optical fiber cable used â€Å"behind-the-shelf† of optical fiber patch panels; typically composed of 900 micron tight buffered optical fibers supported by aramid and/or glass-reinforced plastic (GRP). 27. Drop Point – Area where a terminal is to be installed. 28. Local Convergence Point – It’s the access point where the feeder cables are broken out into multiple distribution cables. 29. Network Access Point – Is located close to the homes or buildings it services. It’s the pint where a distribution cable is broken out into multiple drop cables. 30. Network Interface Device – Is typically mounted to the outside of the house or building. It’s an all-plastic enclosure designed to house the electronics that support the network.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Parables of the Kingdom Essay Example

Parables of the Kingdom Paper Marks Gospel is a synoptic gospel, meaning it is very similar to those of Luke and Matthew. It is believed to be having been written during a period when Christians were being persecuted at the hands of the Romans which obviously coloured the message it contained and it is also believed to be the earliest gospel written this gives the impression of it being a fairly accurate record of what happened. Marks main objective was to show that Jesus was the Messiah, and this is why he chooses to focus on the last three years of Jesus life. One of the main teaching points from Marks Gospel is the Kingdom of God; what Jesus meant by this term and how one could become a part of the Kingdom of God. The idea of a K.o.G. was not new; indeed, many Jews had their own impression of what the K.o.G. entailed. To those who lived by the rules of God they were already a part of the Kingdom. But the term was also seen as a reward to these devoted followers a future concept; heaven, and an eternal life. Marks Gospel begins with a key point in Jesus life his Baptism. Unlike the Jewish ceremony of repentance, Jesus Baptism is accompanied by many signs a dove, the heavens opening, and words from God himself; We will write a custom essay sample on Parables of the Kingdom specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Parables of the Kingdom specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Parables of the Kingdom specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer You are my own dear son. I am pleased with you. Ch. 1 V. 11 Mark realises the importance of this event and see it as a perfect time to announce the K.o.G. is here, after his Baptism Jesus declares; The right time has come, and the Kingdom of God is near! Turn away from your sins and believe the good news! Ch. 1 V. 15 Jesus taught in a way no other preacher did, and inevitably, caused quite a stir. He used short stories with hidden meanings called parables and allegories. By carefully studying each parable individually, we can discover what they teach us about the Kingdom of God. His followers enjoyed listening to the stories which answered their questions about faith and God. The first parable in Marks Gospel is the Parable of the Sower, Ch. 4 V. 1-9. The Sower (Jesus) spread his seeds as he sowed, just as Jesus offered the K.o.G. to everyone. The seeds that fell onto the path did not grow these seeds represent the people who choose not to listen. The seeds which fell onto the rocky ground sprouted, but the little soil meant that they soon dried up in the hot sun. These seeds represent those who listen, but the message does not sink in, and is soon forgotten. A few seeds fall among a patch of thorny bushes; these seeds grow too, but are choked by the brambles as they start to grow tall. These people listen and follow, but the pressures of life build and they soon realise they have no time for God. But there are many other people like the seeds which fall onto good soil, grow tall and bear fruit who hear Jesus words and act upon them. These people bring God fully into their lives, undoubtedly, some more than others. This parable shows how the Kingdom of God is available to everyone, as long as they are prepared to respond in an appropriate way to Jesus teachings. The Parable of the Lamp under a Bowl, Ch. 4 V. 21-23, has a shorter, and simpler, meaning. Jesus questions his audience; Does anyone ever bring in a lamp and put it under a bowl or under the bed? Doesnt he put it on the lamp stand? Ch. 4 V.21 His message; dont hide your faith. Do as the lamp does, spread light, spread your faith. The Parable of the Measure, Ch. 4 V. 24-25, isnt so much a parable, more of a direct teaching point. Jesus explains; Pay attention to what you hear! The same rules you use to judge others will be used by God to judge you but with even greater severity. Ch. 1 V. 24 He is basically saying treat as you wish to be treated, or suffer the consequences of a harsh judgement by God. The Parable of the Growing Seed, Ch. 4 V. 26-29, has a slightly deeper meaning than the previous two parables. Jesus explains how a farmer scatters seed in his field, then as he sleeps, works and goes about his day, all the while the seed is sprouting and growing he cant explain it, it just happens. As does human faith, nobody knows how, or even why faith develops. It cant be forced on people, but can be helped by being an active part of the church community. Just as some seeds grow, others dont. Jesus can preach, but there is no guarantee listeners will develop faith. The final parable of Ch. 4 attempts to explain what the K.o.G. is like. The Parable of the Mustard Seed, Ch. 4 V. 30-34, likens the K.o.G. to mustard seed, the smallest seeds in the world, which has been planted in the ground. After a while, the smallest seed grows into the largest plant, offering comfort and shelter so that birds may come and make nests. The one seed represents Jesus, and the tree that from this seed, Christian faith. Just as the tree gives shelter, so does the community of believers; the Church. Having looked at the parables and the messages they give we need to recognise that there is a difference between a short simple story parable which gives a single teaching point about the Kingdom of God, and the much more involved example of the allegory. The Tenants in the Vineyard is an allegory from Marks Gospel. A man plants a vineyard and lets it out to tenants. When the time came to gather the grapes, he sent a slave to gather his share of the crop from the tenants. But the tenants seized the slave, beat him and sent him home with nothing. The owner sends another 2 slaves but they fail to return, so he sends his own son, sure they will respect his son. But the tenants seize his son too, and kill him. Then the owner of the vineyard goes along to see why his people arent returning. He sees what has happened, kills the tenants and hands the vineyard over to others. The owner of the vineyard represents God, and the vineyard, Israel. The slaves sent by the owner represent the previous Kings and Prophets sent by God. The tenants represent Jewish Leaders and the owners son represents Jesus, and his crucifixion is represented by the tenants killing him. The owner handing over the vineyard to others shows us God made the Kingdom of God available to everyone, including gentiles. This is really making a comment about the relationship between God and the Jews. Every point/stage of the story has a point of comparison to the real life experience of the Jews in rejecting Jesus they have turned their backs on God so the final message is that the word will now be preached to everyone and all who respond will be able to enter the Kingdom of God. We now need to consider why Jesus taught in this style. There are a few simple reasons the stories are easy to listen to and easy to remember, as well as being related to their everyday lives (seeds, lamps, etc.). Those listeners who were thinkers could read deeper into the stories; work out more meaning from some of the messages. This form of teaching worked on my levels. Also, parables could be directed at individuals, such as Jewish Leaders, Pharisees, etc. We know the Jewish leaders reacted angrily to his teaching and made plans to kill him they obviously understood the message. This earth will never be Gods Kingdom. Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion showing that you have considered another point of view. Your answer should refer to Marks Gospel. To bring this discussion up to date, we need to consider whether there is any evidence showing us Jesus teaching was acted upon and if it has had any effect on the world we live in. It is probably easier to take into consideration all of the bad things in the world today, and use these examples to say that pain, suffering, greed and wanton destruction is all around us and that there is little evidence that we are part of Gods Kingdom. One example, we can look at is the World Wide Drug Culture. Everyday, people are making à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½millions through the import and export of illegal drugs and narcotics. The people involved range from highly dangerous, narco-terrorist groups to well educated, new age businessmen and people who are out to make easy money. These substances are then sold on street corners and in back alleys, either for recreational use, or to feed an addiction. All of this corrupt behaviour leads us to question the possibility of Gods Kingdom on earth. Even more so, when we take into account the growing lack of respect for human life, evident when we look through this mornings newspaper, and read of Americas latest worry; the Washington Sniper. So far, a skilled shooter has taken the lives of seven innocent civilians including that of a teenage boy each with a single, silenced bullet shot from long distance. All attacks are believed to have unprovoked; evidence of ruthless terrorism sweeping the globe. Despite the large amount of evidence supporting the darker side of life, there is plenty of good in the world, and because of this we have faith. We need to remember that throughout the parables in particular the Sower, the seed growing secretly, etc. we are told that the kingdom is available and it is up to us to make the appropriate response. The incidents looked at which seem to indicate that there is no evidence of the kingdom here on earth could simply be the actions of those who fail to respond to Gods message. For example, churches still flourish and new ones are being built everyday due to the demand for them alongside new developments such as housing estates, etc. People want a place to worship and a place to provide a focal point from which to develop their work within the local, and wider, communities the mustard seed continues to grow, spreading its branches across the world in acts of love and kindness and establishing the Kingdom. Despite all negative behaviour; peop le still have faith, and still follow God. Many people take part in voluntary work whether it involves something as simple as helping out at their local charity shop, or for the more adventurous, travelling to a Third World country and working, either with the sick or helping to deliver food/nourishment, etc. Such people who involve themselves in this type of work could be seen to be following the instructions given in A Lamp under a Bowl to be seen as Christians; spreading the light of faith. Todays world can be seen to be not too far removed from the world in which Jesus first preached the Kingdom. All are still called to respond to his message but only some respond, and then to varying degrees. Those who do respond must accept the responsibility to continue establishing the Kingdom and allow it flourish here on earth.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Of Mice and Men A review of the novel and information about the author, Steinbeck

Of Mice and Men A review of the novel and information about the author, Steinbeck OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck first takes place a few miles south ofSoledad. There were two men by the names of George and Lennie who became lifelong partners. George thought Lennie needed support because Lennie was mentallyretarded. Later, George and Lennie moved to a ranch nearby Soledad.George and Lennie got into trouble a few miles south of Soledad in a towncalled Weed. The men were hiding out along a river called Salinas, across from theGabililan mountains. Trouble occurred in Weed when Lennie grabbed a hold of aladies dress, because he was curious about the texture of the fabric. The womantook it the wrong way and became upset and frightened. Curdling screams causedsome men to come rushing to the aid of the woman.Lennie then became frightened and ran away. George was such a supportiveand understanding friend that he ran away with him.Lennie JamesRunning together, the twofrightened men hid out in the Salinas River waiting for dusk to come. When duskarrived, the two men gathe red wood and built a fire. Luckily, George had threecans of pork and beans with him in his backpack. They stayed there until morningto start walking again.George told Lennie that he heard of a ranch that was four miles ahead ofthem and they could get a job there. George told Lennie that if he would get intotrouble at the ranch, that he should come back and hide in the bush. Sunrise hadcame and the two men began their walk to the ranch. When George and Lenniearrived, they saw a huge long rectangular building where the bunks were inside, thewalls were white and the floor was wood. The old swamper showed Lennie andGeorge to their...

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun Essay -- Character Analysis, Walter

Big Walter had lots of values for his race and worked very hard for those values to ensure happiness for his family. The American dream was a dim reality because of the harsh working conditions of Chicago blacks in the 1920’s (M’baye 175). This is how mama sees Big Walter, as a courageous man who fought all his life to secure a happy future for his family. As M’baye states, â€Å"Big Walter’s life was a constant struggle against a personal sorrow and a hostile economic and social world that discriminated against him† (175). Big Walter has the most dignity for his family and his actual dream is the happiness of his family. Mama always mentions Big Walter in the story every time Walter or Beneatha does something that she thinks is wrong. Mama says that Big Walter hated domestic jobs and that farming and sick people—then go be a nurse like other women—or just get married and be quiet† (Hansberry 38). The value of every dream is crucial to every member of the Younger family because of the effect it has them, but it is the family dream to own a house that hold them together. At the end of the story, Mama convinced Walter that buying the house was important for the family because the thought of living in the apartment for the rest of their lives was unbearable. Big Walter had to fight and was struggling to achieve his dream of buying a house, which ended up becoming the families dream. Walter’s dream interfered with Beneatha’s dream, and the families dream. This had a major impact on everyone’s life, especially after Walter lost the money. In the end, the Younger family was all happy about Walter’s decision. That is the Younger family American dream.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Independent Television (ITV) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Independent Television (ITV) - Essay Example Companies Strengths and Weaknesses ITV Comprehensive income statement year ended 31st December 2011 indicated that, the company was able to attain a cost saving of twenty million pounds through its wastage and efficiency program (ITV, 2012). It was predicted that the company was going to attain another cost saving of twenty million pounds by the end of 2012 fiscal year (ITV, 2012). The report further indicated that, ITV was able to obtain net advertisement revenue of 1% by the end of 2011 fiscal year (ITV, 2012). During this year, ITV subsidiaries reported higher positive growth, for example, 1% growth was obtained from viewers followed by a 10% in digital growth (ITV, 2012). The report indicates that ITV was able to attain 21% growth through online revenues which translates to thirty four millions pounds as on 31st December 2012. Additionally, the company was able to achieve a 44% growth through distribution of its content (ITV, 2012). Connectively, revenue of thirty five million po unds was obtained from international production and another seven million pounds from investments (ITV, 2012). However, despite having a positive growth, the company has also been faced with some challenges. This is because, by the end of 2011, the company revenues from distribution business declined substantially by four million pounds (ITV, 2012). In above connection, another 5% decline in growth was reported by the end of 2011. Additionally, the company incurred a loss of thirty nine million pounds; the loss was attributed to bond that was purchased during this period (ITV, 2012). On the contrary, the financial statement of Wire and Plastic Product (WPP) reported operating profits of ?14.0 millions by the end of 31st December 2011, while in the previous year; the company reported... Independent Television (ITV) Independent Television was one of the ancient business networks established in the United Kingdoms in 1995 with an aim of channelling news and eradicating monopoly business that was dominated by BBC during that period. The company consists of broadcasting Channels that include the following; City television, Itv1, Itv2, Itv3 and Itv4. ITV Company sells formats and programs in the United Kingdom as well as in other parts of the world. The major sources ITV revenues emanates from sales and advertisement. Additionally the company provides online services to its clients through Among the services being rendered by ITV include; online advertisement and online sponsorship. In above connection, the company conduct other operations through its ITV studios such as; entertainment, dramas, factual to name just but a few. In 1958, ITV directors issued 300,000 common stocks at four dollars each to the public through initial public offer.The company had been expanding across the world and has been portraying positive growth in the stock market. Therefore, based on the above report on portfolio analysis, I would advice Mike to invest his savings in ITV company because the company has higher returns that Mike can obtain and retain the rest given the fact that he is a conservative investor. Additionally, the company has lower risk exposure as indicated by its gearing ratio. Therefore, if Mike invests his savings in ITV securities he is guaranteed security of his investments.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Field Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Field - Essay Example ly greed for land stems from the Irish farmer’s deeply-rooted dedication to the land that feeds him and which ensures a stable homeland for his children. Add to this Bull McCabe’s cynicism toward technology. This greed for land is not due to harbored hatred from landlord-peasant disputes in the past. The Field portrays the struggle for ownership to a 4-acre land between Bull McCabe, an Irish farmer, and William Dee, an Irish businessman who came from England. Bull dreams of having his only son, Tadhg, inherit the field. This dispute over land ownership caused the murder William, which the local residents hid from the authorities. Bull’s obsession over the field makes the novel a powerful story. In fact, the book effectively depicted how the villagers, even without fully believing in the McCabes’ ethos and callous ways when they attacked William and killed him by accident, understand the feeling and ultimately protect the McCabes’ by their silence. It should also be noted that the villagers’ silence is partly caused by Bull’s threat â€Å"†¦keep your trap shut†¦There’s men around here would think nothing of puttin’ a bomb up agi’in a public door. ‘Twas done before, the time of the land division† (Keane , 1991, p. 51). Additionally, the villagers are also afraid that the McCabes might boycott people who go against Bull. Even Sgt. Leahy, who does not sympathize with Bull, is aware of this fact. Per Kean (1991), â€Å"There is nothing in your heads [he tells Bull and Tadgh], but pigs and cows and pitiful patches of land† (p. 29). Fr. Liam Mcdermot and Sgt. Leahy are both outsiders in the village, and Bull expresses even to them his convictions â€Å"When you’ll be gone, Father, to be a Canon somewhere, and the sergeant gets a wallet of notes and is going to be a Superintendent, Tadgh’s children will be milking cows and keeping donkeys away from our ditches. That’s what we have to think about and if there’s no grass, that’s the end of me

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Texting and Driving Essay Example for Free

Texting and Driving Essay Texting while driving is the act of composing, sending, reading text messages, email while driving. (Wikipedia) The age group with the greatest proportion of distracted drivers was the under-20 age group. (2009,NHTSA) With todays technology teenagers feel the need to be connected to their friends at all time. Even the simplest of conversations become extremely important due to the fact that they feel like they need to be talking twenty four seven. Texting and driving is so common that it increases the chances of having an accident at any moment no matter how much control you think you have over whats happening, not only can it increase accidents but you can also harm yourself and others, and just when you think thats all that can happen I tell you that you can kill too. So unless you plan on being someones bitch in jail, I suggest you educate yourself a little on the wrong that you are doing. Just think to yourself Is this conversation really that important? The answer should always be no. Five seconds are the average time your eyes are off the road while texting, when traveling at 55mph, thats enough to cover the length of an entire football field. (2009,VTTI) Thats also enough time to get into a severe car accident. Many people realize the risk they are taking by texting and driving, but they seem to not care, seeing as how their phone is always in the palm of their hands, and theyre paying more attention to it than their driving and surroundings. Forty nine percent of drivers under the age of 35 send or read text messages while driving. (2011, Harris Poll) Thats an extremely high percentage, and any one of those people could cause the biggest collision youve ever seen in your entire life, in a matter of seconds. When youre texting and driving, y oure reaction time is significantly decreased, so those five seconds you used to look at your phone, you couldve used to notice that cars were beginning to brake, and you shouldve too.Congratulations, youve just been in an accident. Now, not only has your car insurance sky rocketed because the collision is your fault, but your medical bill and lawsuit will be a lot too. So, is that text still important to you? In an accident you always risk hurting yourself, and the person in the other car. You see the paramedics hovering you as you slowly open your eyes, you dont remember what happened, so naturally you ask one of them what it was that happened. You got into an accident sir. Well whos the one who caused it? You are, sir. You were texting and didnt stop. Youre now on your way to the hospital with what may be a broken leg because you couldnt wait. Thirty five percent of teens who drive while distracted dont think they get hurt. (2010, AAA and seventeen magazine) To me, driving is serious. My cousin died in a car accident in 2004, and i dont like risking my safety over a text message that could wait, because I know I could get hurt at any second. Not only am I concerned with my safety, and not only should you be concerned with yours. Fact is, teenagers are usually with their friends, driving to the mall, or a party, so you should also be concerned with their safety. Their lives are in your hands, and their medical bill. I dont know about you, but I dont plan on paying a thousand or more on someones injury, when it couldve been avoided by waiting. I like my bones and limbs in tact, and Im pretty sure that i speak for everyone when i say that. Given the choice, we would never want to break or lose them. Twenty two percent of teens who drive wh ile distracted say it makes driving less boring. (2010, AAA and seventeen magazine) Driving isnt supposed to be exciting, youre supposed to take it seriously. Your safety is at risk!!!! No wonder the older generation looks down on us in shame, and thinks were electronic dependent idiots. Distracted driving is the number one killer of American teens. Alcohol- related accidents among teens have dropped, but teenage traffic fatalities have remained unchanged because distracted driving is on the rise. (2007, Childrens hospital of Philadelphia and State Farm insurance study and NHTSA study) How is it that texting and driving hasnt been made completely illegal everywhere in the United States?! I am completely outraged! If it is killing as many teens as drinking and driving would, then wouldnt common sense tell you to make it illegal? Not only are they risking their own lives, but they are risking everyone elses in the car, family and friends. How would you be able to live with yourself kn owing that you killed your mom or you best friend in a car accident because you were texting K or some worthless text message? Or what if youre texting and you dont notice that innocent twelve year old boy crossing the road, and you run over him? next thing you know, youre paying his funeral, and time in prison. You better hope theres no death penalty in your state, because if I were the mother of that child, Id be pushing for it. How would you be able to live with the fact that you took that innocent childs life?! How you took that mothers reason to breathe away? What would you family have to say about this? Did the not teach you better? Youd have a lot of time to reflect on all of this in prison. Dont give me that this is too much punishment speech, because if the situation were vice versa youd be waning the same amount of punishment, or worst. Texting and driving does cause accidents and some worst than drunk driving accidents, those accidents can lead to major injuries for you and/or the people in the car with you, and not only injuries but you can cause fatalities to people in your car, the other car, or pedestrians. So, another set of bills youll have to pay to add to your stress, due to an accident†¦. awesome! How do you feel about possibly amputating a ligament due to major blood loss or trauma, because of your text? Yeah, I dont like that idea either. Prison? Id rather stay out of it by not texting and driving and avoiding killing someone else. Dont think about the person on the other side of the phone when driving, think b out how youll be the one paying for everything: Physically, emotionally, and mentally. They wont be thinking about you in your time of struggle. Texting can wait.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever :: essays research papers

Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever Marburg hemorrhagic fever is a rare, severe type of hemorrhagic fever that affects both humans and non-human primates. Marburg is the first member of the family Filoviridae (or "thread" viruses), which also includes the Ebola virus. Like Ebola, Marburg is an enveloped, single-stranded, unsegmented, negative-sense RNA virus. It has the same characteristic filamentous (thread-like) structure, can appear shaped like a U, a 6, or spiraled like a snail; and can sometimes be branched. The Marburg virus is identical to Ebola in form and structure; however, it is genically distinct from Ebola (meaning that it stimulates the production of different antibodies). Marburg virions are 80 nm (nanometers) in diameter and average approximately 800 nm in length, although length can vary up to 14,000 nm. The four species of Ebola virus are the only other known members of the filoviridae family. As with Ebola, the exact procedure of Marburg is unknown. However, virion surface spikes are made solely of large glycoprotein (compound consisting of carbohydrates and protein). It is assumed that, as with other negative-strand RNA viruses, these surface spikes bind to receptors on the host cell and act as a â€Å"go-between† entry into susceptible cells. Viral replication takes place in the cytoplasm, and envelopment is the result of budding preformed by nucleocapsids (viral protein coat and nucleic acid). Ultimately, the virus involves the liver, lymphoid organs, and kidneys. Marburg virus was first recognized in 1967, when outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever occurred simultaneously in laboratories in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany and in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia). A total of 37 people became ill; they included laboratory workers as well as several medical personnel and family members who had cared for them. The first people infected had been exposed to African green monkeys or their tissues. In Marburg, the monkeys had been imported for research and to prepare polio vaccine. Recorded cases of the disease are rare, and have appeared in only a few locations. While the 1967 outbreak occurred in Europe, the disease agent had arrived with imported monkeys from Uganda. No other case was recorded until 1975, when an Australian traveler most likely exposed in Zimbabwe became ill in Johannesburg, South Africa and passed the virus to his traveling companion and a nurse. The year 1980 saw two other cases, one in Western Kenya not far from the Ugandan source of the monkeys implicated in the 1967 outbreak.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Conformity in Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Mindless and Obeying Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 features a fictional and futuristic firefighter named Guy Montag. As a firefighter, Montag does not put out fires. Instead, he starts them in order to burn books and, basically, knowledge to the human race. He does not have any second thoughts about his responsibility until he meets seventeen-year-old Clarisse McClellan. She reveals many wonders of the world to Montag and causes him to rethink what he is doing in burning books. After his talks with her, the society’s obedience to the law that bans knowledge, thinking, and creativity also increasingly distresses him. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury shows conformity in the futuristic America through schooling, leisure, and fright. The children in the society are never actually taught during school hours. Captain Beatty, another firefighter, tells Montag that the schools † Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of â€Å"facts† they feel stuffed, but absolutely â€Å"brilliant† with information† (61). The â€Å"teachers† (actually film) stuff the students with â€Å"knowledge†, making them feel smart, but they are never taught to question any of the information or form their own opinion on matters. Clarisse says, â€Å"Do you know, we never ask questions, or at least most don’t; they just run the answers at you, bing, bing, bing, and us sitting there for four more hours of film-teacher† (29). In being taught not to question anything, including the law, education supports conformity. In a similar way, entertainment encourages obedience as well. In the culture that Montag lives in, it is expected in everyone to participate in the civilization’s entertainment sources: mindless television, the â€Å"shell†, and violent games. Television (a.k.a. parlor walls) are made up of a flat screen on a wall; sometimes it fills all of the walls instead of just one, and is made up of fast-moving, mindless flashing images of people known as the â€Å"family†. Every second they are on, they are screaming nonsense. Faber, Montag’s mentor, says, â€Å"The televisor is â€Å"real†. It is immediate, it as dimension. It tells you what to think and blasts it in. It must be right, it seems to be right. It rushes you on so quickly to its own conclusions your mind hasn’t time to protest† (109).The residents  are provided with too much â€Å"excitement† at one time and do not have enough time or space in their minds to think. The walls are addicting. Therefore, more people take more time to sit down and watch the â€Å"family† rather than focusing on developing their own creativity and thinking. Whenever citizens are off the parlor walls, they listen to the â€Å"shell† which is based on the same concept of the parlor walls: to limit thoughts. The only difference between the two is that the shell is far more compact. Otherwise, the two are similar. In limiting access to time for feelings, television and the â€Å"shell† promotes conformity to the law. Games in the society work in a comparable way as the parlor walls and the â€Å"shell†. They show aggression and gore in every single one of them; whether or not it is a real life game or a video game. Seeing so much violence numbs their minds to all of the happenings around them. Clarisse mentions, â€Å"I’m afraid of children my own age. They kill each other. Did it always used to be that way? My uncle says no. Six of my friends have been shot in the last year alone. Ten of them died in car wrecks† (30). Even if mass genocide were happening around them, they would brush it away like shooing away fly. Being apathetic, they would not question anything happening around them, which encourages conformity to the government. Reinforcing entertainment and education, fear produces a foolproof obedience in the society. Even though most citizens are brainwashed by their schooling and leisure, some, like Montag, Faber, and Clarisse still rebel against the law. Therefore, the government creates severe punishments to be dealt out to generate fear in the rebels so that rebellions would not be staged. One of these punishments is to burn down the rebel’s house and put the resident in a crazy asylum. Another, the one Montag fears most, is the mechanical hound. It is made to force support from the citizens using the fear that the mechanical hound produces. Conformity is depicted in Fahrenheit 451 through tutelage, entertainment, and terror. The people should have access to knowledge and should think with their own minds. The book shows that having creativity and opinions, like Clarisse, is better than just being, quite literally, a robot. Fahrenheit  451 shows the citizens in the fictional society being controlled by foolish teachings, mind-jumbling amusement, and forced fear. Being mindless and obeying is not a choice. Everybody has to have a viewpoint of his or her own in life.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Evaluation of Wikipedia

When students are assigned research papers, very commonly, professors will say, â€Å"Whatever you do, do not use Wikipedia. † Many who research find this website credible, others believe its information is completely false. This essay will evaluate the efficiency of Wikipedia as an online resource for researching purposes; it will discuss the freedom to alter material, the credibility of the website, as well as what good comes from the use of this website for research means.Many people believe Wikipedia is not a good, or credible, source to be used for research. Much of this comes from the possibility it gives for people to alter the content of any material information offered by the website. Wikipedia â€Å"enables any visitor to a wiki site to edit, add to, and even delete the content of any page on the site. †(Miller) This is factual because Wikipedia gives the opportunity for any person to edit information on any topic.For protection it is recommended that we †Å"remember to take a cautious view of what we think it tells us. †(Miller) The credibility of this website has decreased through the years thanks to professionals who have proved information in this website to be erroneous. This has obligated instructors who assign research assignments to restrict students from using this website as a source for information retrieval.Most teachers who assign research papers have as a goal to make students college ready in the sense of restricting students from plagiarism. â€Å"While supporting the goal of openness and verifiability, the username structure of the site provides complete anonymity for its editors and administrators, which renders the site constantly vulnerable to vandalism and fraud. †(Miller) We’ve discussed a variety of cons that Wikipedia has when used as a research resource, but there are also some good in this fast-growing website.One good that Wikipedia has is the numerous amount of information on many differ ent topics that it provides; regardless of the lack of credibility in its information it is noteworthy that some information of all is in fact true. Another benefit that comes from Wikipedia is the list of languages it offers its information in. Currently Wikipedia offers ten languages in which the information is provided; this gives the possibility for individuals around the world to research through the content provided by this website. The freely editable nature of Wikipedia enables contributors, lay or expert, across the world to share their knowledge easily. † (Patient-Oriented Cancer Information on the Internet: A Comparison of Wikipedia and a Professionally Maintained Database). Through the above I have mentioned the freedom for altering material, the credibility, as well as some positive aspects that come from Wikipedia as a research resource used by many. From my past experiences I can relate to events such as teachers not permitting me as a student to use Wikipedia a s a research source.Also from the vast information that this website provides I have found information that I wouldn’t be able to find elsewhere, not that I can believe much of it though. This website is growing, it is those from around the world who give a taste of their knowledge to the world through this website who are making this growth possible, but many others share nonsense and pure rubbish which is what has brought down this website’s credibility, and if those great minds in our world don’t step up, the growth of this website will come to an end.Works Cited Miller, Nora. â€Å"Wikipedia Revisited. † ETC: A Review Of General Semantics 64. 2 (2007): 147-150. AcademicSearch Complete. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. Yaacov R. Lawrence, et al. â€Å"Patient-Oriented Cancer Information On The Internet: A Comparison OfWikipedia And A Professionally Maintained Database. † Journal Of Oncology Practice 7. 5 (2011):319-323. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Term Paper Project Example

Term Paper Project Example Term Paper Project – Term Paper Example Contents Discussion: sources of theory Y 3 The administrative theory of organization 3 The Neo ical theory 3 Modern theories of organization 4Bureaucracy theory 4Impacts 4References 5Discussion: sources of theory YAccording to theory Y, employees become more productive when they exercise self-control and self-motivation. On the other hand, theory X states that employees should be properly supervised. This helps to prevent employees from using their positions to benefit themselves. Theory Y also states that work is as natural as playing. Employees have the ability to help in making problem-solving decisions, but the management under-uses their talent. Given the right, working conditions employees will develop self-direction and self-control. Theory y may be derived from many scientific sources which include:The administrative theory of organizationAccording to this theory, authority and responsibility should be observed at all times. A member of an organization also has a responsibili ty to accomplish the organization’s objectives of his position. For this to be achieved, appropriate sanctions to encourage good performance should be put in place.The Scientific theory of organizationFredrick Taylor laid down this theory. According to this Taylor, there should be a piece rate system of compensation. This encourages employees to work harder. According to this system, the employee gets motivated according to his output. According to this theory, motivation can also be inform of financial incentives (Miller, p 25).The Neo-classical theoryElton mayo laid down this theory. According to Elton, organizations should have a democratic and participative style of supervision. There should be a good communication system whereby employees are allowed to air their views in decision making and also in the laying down of strategies.Modern theories of organizationAccording to this theory, employees should be involved in decision making in the organization. There should also be a good communication channel in the organizationBureaucracy theoryMax Weber laid down this theory. This theory insists that there should be rationality in an organizational set-up. A rational organization is one which is free from malice, favoritism and personal caprice. Individuals should not use the organization to benefit themselves (Ringer, p220).ImpactsEmployees play a major role in the attainment of the organizations goals. Therefore, it is imperative to certify that they are well motivated in order to attain maximum productivity. Apart from maintaining good communication between the employees and the employers, there are other alternative ways of motivating them. An organization may choose to give come up with team building activities, bonuses or other financial incentives in order to ensure that the employees are motivated.ReferencesMiller, Katherine. Organizational communication: approaches and processes. Boston, Mass: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2012. document.Ringer, Fritz K. Max Weber an intellectual biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Holocaust - Essay Example By far the most targeted during the Holocaust were the Jewish people, though there is a debate as to the reasons why. Some say that it was because Adolf Hitler, who came to power as Chancellor and later as Dictator of Germany, hated Jews with a fanatical passion and without reason; others say it was because Jews were looked upon as â€Å"inferior† while Germans considered themselves the â€Å"master race†, responsible for eradicating the scourge of all other races on the planet, including Jews (â€Å"The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum†). Regardless of the reasons, the Holocaust is horribly, irreversibly stamped on the history of the world. It would be fair, however, to note that the Holocaust did not simply start overnight; no one woke up one morning and decided to eradicate the planet of Jews. A number of events were part of the Holocaust as early as 1933, such as the burning of books that had been deemed â€Å"UnGerman† across Germany on May 10, 1933, written primarily by Jewish authors (The History Place). On January 24 1934, Jews were prohibited from the German Labor Front, and in 1935 the Nuremberg Race Laws were enacted, which marked the beginning of the German people seeing Jews as unclean, and of improper heritage (The History Place). Jews, however, were not the only ones targeted; on November 24, 1933, the Law Against Habitual and Dangerous Criminals was passed, which allowed people such as beggars and alcoholics to be sent away to concentration camps such as Dachau, already built in Germany and awaiting its sinister purpose (The History Place). The events continued to become worse and worse; in 1938 J ews were ordered to â€Å"register† all property and valuables with Germany and in 1939 were ordered to hand over all gold and silver items (The History Place). There were other humiliating acts that took place from 1933 to 1939, some small, some large, both in scope and effect,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Human Experimentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Human Experimentation - Essay Example It includes the historical background, after-effects, and the current status of human medical experimentation. The research entails the pros and cons of this practice along with salient ideas on overcoming or eradicating this kind of torture. Human Medical Experimentation A torturous conduct that thoroughly defied human rights and questioned healthcare norms It is generally stated that human beings of the world have certain rights which cannot be taken away from them, irrespective of situation and circumstances. The nature of these rights may be political or civil liberty; however, the most important right which a human being is entitled to is the right to physical safety and, most significantly, to "life". Human rights basically project the need for human tolerance, acceptance, fairness and mutual respect. The human rights notion exudes morality and justice. Although importance of human rights is emphasized by many organizations and governments around the world, violation of human r ights is a common experience around the world. The participation of human beings in medical experimentation is one such subject, which remains controversial due to human rights abuses. Many developed countries of the world, including the United States, claim to be world leaders in medical research. However, the Western medical development has a hidden dark side which is not acknowledged by many. This unlit side points to the fact that in order to develop medicine and achieve scientific progress, horrific medical experiments were conducted on destitute human beings and their children (Moses, 2007). For the most part, these medical experiments were conducted to gain profit by successfully developing drugs for various diseases and, mostly, these experiments were conducted without the knowledge of the people involved in the experimentation. Many believe that despite today’s so called free and civilized societies prevailing in the West, human experimentation has been taken up on a mass level. According to experts, almost half of the population of the United States is using some kind of drug regularly, and about 20% of children are using antidepressants or amphetamines (Moses, 2007). This paper aims to explore the topic of human medical experimentation with a view to illustrate its history, the dark side which it projects, the benefits that it has provided to human society and current status and opinions of various experts on the subject. Various medical fields such as biology, psychology, anthropology and clinical medicine employ human subject for research purposes. Human medical experimentation exposes living human beings to experiments, which are mostly cruel, painful, deadly and risky. Although Western countries are responsible for astounding medical breakthroughs such as the cure for malaria and other deadly diseases, this success, however, is followed by an immense price paid by the participants of the experiments. Some participants are compensated for their losses in physical and mental health, but most participants have not been compensated at all. Many participants have lost their lives during the process of experimentation, and of course, no compensation can bring back the most precious thing lost: their lives. The history of human medical experimentation in U.S. dates back to 1845, when J. Marion Sims, also known as the father of

Thursday, October 31, 2019

(Second Language acquisition) Data Collection Assignment requires Research Paper

(Second Language acquisition) Data Collection Assignment requires getting two language samples from second language learners - Research Paper Example However, in a bid to overcome barriers that could hinder one from acquiring new markets and opportunities, people have strived hard to beat all odds and perform feats previously considered impossible by their peers (Zaraysky 2009, 32). To understand the concept of second language acquisition, it is necessary to comprehend some factors that make a language harder to learn than another. The first of these factors is difference in grammatical structure of a language from another. Different languages have varied use of grammar. Whereas one language could demand that the verb comes before the subject, another could require that the subject comes before the verb. This causes initial confusion to the learner, slowing his pace and probability of grasping a new language. Second, a difference in pronunciation requirements of a language hinders one’s ability to articulate in speech a language he may have mastered its vocabulary. In addition, language learners are usually used to their lo cal accents and tone, and managing to cope with a foreign accent is sometimes nightmarish. Cultural differences between different language speakers influence their native language and the ease with which they can adapt to another cultural language (Blake 2008, 43). It is, therefore, important for a second language learner to understand the culture of the people he is learning their tongue. Aims and Objectives of the Research This inter-language data analysis aims at creating an understanding of differences between two sample languages. Upon gathering, analyzing and understanding these facts, there will be a clearer understanding of the difficulties one should expect while learning any of the two languages. In this case, German and English languages are compared and contrasted. Analysis of the languages is based on two samples of short essays (essay 1 and essay 2 available at the appendix). The objective of this comparison and contrast is to make learning the languages easy. Other th an the vocabulary aspect of the two languages, this research goes further to dissect each language in details and reveal their fine linguistic differences. Data pertaining to several aspects of the languages is a crucial facet of the research. Issues to do with pronunciation of English words against German language are considered at length. In addition, the research labors to find out grammatical differences between the two languages. The chief characteristic of this grammatical analysis is the order of verbs, subjects, nouns, pronouns and adjectives. Collected data is also used to create an awareness of the cultural differences, if any. It thereafter tries to offer solutions to the difficulties one observes in learning either English or German as a second language. Clearly, data collection and analysis of learning a second language will make the process of grasping German as a second language to a native English speaker easier. The research aims at lessening the time and effort one puts in learning a new lingo. By preparing one for the challenges to expect in learning a language and providing possible solutions to the hurdles, a learner is placed in a good position to learn fast. Data Collection Methods Methods used to collect data for this research was informed by several factors. It was necessary to put into consideration the data collection strategy, accuracy requirements of the research, skills of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Recruitment and selection consultation Assignment - 3

Recruitment and selection consultation - Assignment Example The firm targets on increasing the consumer base in the short run. Besides, diversification of the services that the firm offers will increase in the near future. The firm comprises of a workforce that comprises of the management and the general human resource on the ground that interact with the firm’s clients on a daily basis (Jianping, 2011, p. 12). The position refers to the owners of the company whose main task is making decisions on behalf of the shareholders of the business firm. The governors also include the people with the most shares in the firm. The individual is responsible for the financial matters that accrue in the firm. The position has the mandate of advising the chief executive officer and the board of governors on the financial decisions that influence the company. The position is responsible for all transactions that the firm partakes on a daily basis. The individual occupying the spot is also responsible for recording the transactions the financial transactions. The position also provides vital information on the solvency of the company and provides updates on the financial of the company(Kim S., 2009, p. 7). The survey shows that the human resource in the firm needs more motivational measures as a way of increasing the output. The need for more working gear is also an implication that is prevailing and entails the future. The consultation procedure should also be made clear on how to go about complaints and requests. The current method provides a suggestion box for suggestions. The consultation process should be in the form of the immediate superior up the ladder to the top most person of the organization. The firm’s need is both managerial and good execution of the duties. Thus, the plan entails on acquiring the most eligible managers, as well as instructors. In addition, the company intends to provide sales executives who will market the firm to potential customers and notify them of the firm’s dealings. The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Goals Systems Theory: Overview

Goals Systems Theory: Overview Jenna Lyles Section B 1. Equifinality: To understand the system property of Equifinality is to understand the old adage â€Å"There’s more than one way to skin a cat.† This means that ultimately the guarantee of success is not reliant on taking/completing any singular path, procedure, or means of fulfilling a system goal. No one way is the only way, as there are multiple ways in which an organization can reach its goal(s). Equifinality Example: This can be exemplified in the University of Central Florida’s attempt to garner more football game attendance. Initially the university promised large amounts of Link Loot. 1,000 Link Loot points if you come out to the UCF game! (The campaign sought to boost school spirit and morale. I mean, where else do you fully immerse yourself in the college experience if not at your university’s football games?) This attempt was successful, primarily amongst freshman, to whom the idea of Link Look seemed especially promising (it doesn’t fully hit you how broke you are until you’re sitting in your freshman community dorm eating a 38-cent cup of Ramen) because it promoted the chance at winning a scholarship. Game attendance did indeed rise, but then, UCF implemented a new tactic. UCF eventually ended the Link Loot process towards the end of 2012. This posed a problem, how would UCF keep attendance at a high? They university had to think of anothe r way—take another route—to ensure game attendance stay peaked. Well they found one indeed. When UCF started winning its football games we all noticed how much the advertising and broadcasting of our commendable record all over campus shot up. It seemed everywhere you turned our undefeated record was thrown in your face. Naturally, people that lacked school spirit or any interest in showing up at the game only to watch UCF get stomped, picked up. Attendance reached an through the roof again because of UCF’s steady effort to get the word out that the University of Central Florida meant business on the field this year. Thus, we have two different means of garnering football game attendance that were able to work interchangeably. The variety used meet the system goal (high football game attendance) stemmed from two different changes which yielded the same result. 2. Multifinality: Multifinality is the system property that can best be epitomized in â€Å"the pursuit of multiple goals by means of a single activity (Shah et al., 2002). Essentially, it is the notion that one act has the power to spawn multiple reactions. Multifinality is preferable to causes which produce one effect as multifinality is the equivalent of getting an exceptional bang for a regular buck, so to speak. Multifinality Example: At Oakleaf High School when one class ends a bell sounds signaling that students are to proceed to their next class a minute before the tardy bell (which declares them late if they have not reached their next destination) sounds a â€Å"warning bell† sounds. This let’s students know that they have approximately 60 seconds to get to their next class. To say that the halls of Oakleaf High School remained, until the shrill of that warning bell blasted, packed, was an understatement. To reduce the socializing that took place in between classes (that which our three vice principals thought aided tardiness) our principal (Mr. Broski) did away with the warning bell. The first week of the new policy showed promising results in more regions than one: tardiness was at a low, there were less accidents on the stairs (since people were not flying down them, racing to class), and the hallways were finally navigable! In this way Oakleaf High School (the system) killed not two, but three birds with one stone! The stone, or goal in this case, being the pursuit of reducing socializing in between classes. 3. Negative Entropy: Negative entropy is the system property by which a system is able to preserve itself and additionally promote the system’s growth. The notion of negative entropy extensively harps on the significance of a system engaging in necessary exchangesnecessary in that these exchanges permit system survival and success with its environment. In this way, negative entropy suggests that a system’s exhibits a definite dependence on a circulation of information/components shared between it and its environment. Negative Entropy Example: An example of multifinality can be found in the closing-down of Blockbusters nation-wide. Blockbuster was a booming movie and game rental business, before entertainment conveniences like Netflix arrived on the scene. Blockbuster remained closed to its environment in that by the time it considered incorporating methods liken to Netflix and OnDemand (online access to entertainment, mail services, etc.) it was too late and they had suffered irrecoverable blows to their revenue. Ultimately Blockbuster would go out of business, shutting down all of their corporate-owned stores. The CEO’s of Blockbuster primarily owe their failure to a stinted interaction with their environment. The failure to see and adjust to the world of entertainment around them, especially methods of renting/viewing entertainment from the convenience of your home, delineates how they ignored the very environment responsible for their system’s (Blockbuster’s) viability. An argument can definitely be made that the company might have otherwise avoided deterioration if they had maintained an ebb and flow of information between themselves and the progressing environment around them. 4. Requisite Variety: Requisite variety is another system property in which the imperativeness of the relationship between a system and its environment is addressed. Requisite variety is, in itself, self-explanatory. Put a simple â€Å"of† in the middle of requisite and variety and you end up with a concise explanation of the notion: requisite of variety. Meaning, the variety within a system (its inner workings, fundamentals, mechanics, etc.) imposes the requisition that the system’s environment be composed of a liken variety. Basically, the environment of a system should match the system’s innards itself, with regard to complication and diversity (for evolution and survival). Why is this necessary? A system that is ill-equipped to handle/adapt to the intricacies of its environment will be overrun with complication and falter. Requisite Variety Example: The easiest way for me to apply this property is to think about instances in which I (the system) have felt overwhelmed and unable to adapt to the intricacies of the situation around me (the environment). A year ago I was my neighbor’s go-to babysitter. She had the kindest, most docile baby boy: Ethan. He was no problem to babysit; easy to entertain, not a picky-eater, and knocked right out after a bedtime story or two. My means of handling him were ingrained and perfected, and so when Barbara (my neighbor) asked if would mind looking after Mateo and Carlos (Ethan’s cousins) I told her that would be no problem. Unbeknownst to me, Mateo and Carlos were far from the little angel that Ethan was. Mateo was lactose intolerant and Carlos had ADHD which was in full-throttle come 8 o’clock. On top of all of this, Barbara requested I watch the boys at their (Mateo and Carlos’s) house because Ethan was spending the night there. I found mys elf unprepared to surmount the obstacles my environment had set in my path; the change in house layout made it impossible to find simple items, I couldn’t find anything (nutritious, anyway) to feed Mateo, Carlos had Ethan on the brink of tears because he was tired and agitated and Carlos kept messing with him, and all three of them seemed unresponsive to my suggestion that everybody go to bed. The end-result was me calling Barbara to admit defeat and ask that she come back home. Thus we have I, the system, was not unable to keep up with the diversity and complications that my environment imposed. This resulted in system failure, as requisite variety confirms it will. References J.Y. Shah, A. Fishbach, R. Friedman, W. Chun, and D. Sleeth-Keppler (2002), â€Å"A Theory of  Goals Systems,† in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 34, M.P. Zanna,  ed. New York: Academic Press, 331–78.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Compare/Contrast Cinderella Essay -- Essays Compare Vietnam Essays

Compare/Contrast Cinderella Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Walt Disney Company is a powerful economic and cultural phenomenon known throughout the United States and the world as a provider of family entertainment (Maltin, 1, 308). Its media and entertainment holdings establish it as a central communicator in contemporary life. As such, it provides many of the first narratives children use to learn about the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Ward, 1). Disney has always been family oriented making it one of the main attractions of reading something Disney. They always have an innocent feeling to their stories, which makes it more appealing for children. But in Vietnamese fairytales a family oriented story may be somewhat gory or violent. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The stories from Vietnam tell us about their culture, their beliefs, and their determination throughout timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Ly, 1). The 1950 version of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Cinderellaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, written by Walter Disney and adapted by Campbell Grant, has some differences and similarities to the Vietnamese à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Tam and Camà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, by Vo Van Thang and Jim Larsen. They differ in their violent content in their stories but similarly have a great deal of magic included and also both have prevalent characters to help them find their way. Being a Disney tale à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Cinderellaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? was not a very violent story. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Our analysis of morality in entertainment is limited and stylized at present. Violence in the media is a major concern, and we research it relentlessly. But our treatments are typically moralistic and academically superficialà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Christians, foreward). In Disney it is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“moralà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? to not use violence and it is also what is culturally acceptable. In Vietnam it is culturally significant to present the violence how it is and it is told to children in this same way. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The stories came about as a means of escaping their everyday lives and a way to live out their dream worldsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Ly, 1). Tam was the good sister and Cam was the evil stepsister who took orders from her evil stepmother. Tam finally had one last chance to get back at them both for the misery they put her through, and she took her chance. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“When Cam was in th e hole Tam ordered the servants to pour in the boiling water, and so her stepsister met her death. Tam had the body made into mam, a rich sauce, and sent it to her stepmother, saying that it was a present from her daughter. Each day the woman ate some of the mam with her meals, always c... ...ish bones in four jars later in the story the four jars become all the ingredients Tam needed to attend the Kingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s festival. The Buddha not only shows her the path to her destiny but also shows her how ordinary, not so beautiful things can become, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“reincarnateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? into extraordinary things.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Cinderellaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Tam and Camà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? are so much alike especially using the workings of magic throughout these tales and also differ in the way that these stories use violence to represent their cultures. Their hope comes from these characters that help them on their paths for Cinderella it was her fairy godmother who created magic and for Tam it was a Buddha who hinted her to create magic reincarnation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Disney, Walter E. Cinderella. Walt Disney's Cinderella. Comp. Campbell Grant. N.p.: n.p., 1950. 516-517 Ly, Hugh H. Vietnamese Children's Stories. 17 July 2003. Pacific University. 1 Apr. 2005 Van Thang, Vo. Jim Larson. Tam and Cam. Tam and Cam (Vietnam). N.p.: n.p., 1993. 228-233 Ward, Annalee R. Clifford G. Christians. Mouse Morality: The Rhetoric of Disney Animated Film. Austin, TX: University Of Texas P, 2002   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Denmark vs America

In this essay I would like to tell about the differences and similarities in Denmark and America. I will tell good stuff and bad stuff, and you will be able to hear my opinoin as well. Denmark and America are way different from each other, but at the same time we’re a bit alike. We see a lot of teenage movies, and about 95 percent of them are from the states, the other 5 percent are from our own country. We see a lot about the teenage lifestyle through these movies, and no matter if we want or not, then we all create an image in our heads about how the lifestyle is. Now I’m so lucky that I’ve actually tried to live the real teenage life in America, and yes, I would say that the image that I had about the American life, was very true. But there is this thing called drama, which teenage movies love to use as exaggeration. So thank goodness that there’s not all that drama in real life. The coolest thing about high schools in the states is that high schools love to have dances, and they spend a lot of energy into planning them, and they spend a lof of money on them, and high school kids love these dances. Prom, for example, is the most important dance of the year, and everybody is talking about it all year. Here in Denmark we just have a random school dance where everybody drinks their brains out, and can’t remember anything the next day and people is only thinking about wearing the smallest outfits that they can find. I’m tempted to say that the exact opposite is the case in in the states, because in the states they are trying to find the biggest dresses, and they don’t drink. This brings me to the next subject that I want to talk about, alcohol. In America you can’t drink untill you’re twenty-one, where as here on the other side of the world, you can drink when you’re sixteen. I think both these ages are a bit ridiculous, the one in Denmark is too low, and the one in America is too high, it should be around eighteen. One thing that I don’t like about the U. S is all the crime; I know that crime is starting to escalate here in Denmark, but it’s still much worse in the U.  S. People are walking around with guns on them; children get kidnapped daily, which is the worst when that happens. When a child gets kidnapped, it’s all over the news and media, and this is called an Amber Alert. I tried that when I was in America, it was terrifying, police men everywhere, helicopters, news people reporting live twenty-four seven. Unfortunately they didn’t find the kid alive; they found the kid only a few blocks away from its house. America has a ton of fast food restaurants which of course cause all the really fat people, who can barely walk. Here in Denmark we don’t have that many fast food restaurants, but we have the most famous ones, and we’re acyually not skinny anymore. So my conclusion is that Denmark and America are different because of the rules and laws we have in each country, here I’m thinking of the drinking age and drivers license. We like to do the same things, such as school dances and parties, but it will never be the same because of the way we’re raised.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Importance of Good Writing

It can not be underestimated the power of good writing. I recently read an Article by Anthony Balderrama that talked about just this subject. Whether you are trying to keep a job, get a job or just maintain a job, he stresses the importance of being a good writer without being a detriment to yourself and all around you. With the advent of twitter, text messaging and blogging , he states that many of us have lost our abilities to formulate a great sentence and put it on paper without using slang words or run on sentences. Mr. Balderrama doesn't just single out those of us who may not be world class writer but he also speaks to those with the Shakespearian flare for formality sending warnings such as â€Å"If you treat every correspondence with too much formality, that will be more noticeable than the content. So sometimes â€Å"Hi† is a better way to open a message than â€Å"Salutations. â€Å"†. The article has a few anecdotes of people who tell their stories of how they have received a good job due to their better than normal writing skills. Better still those who have opened up more doors and opportunities for themselves and others with good writing skills. Finally Mr. Balderrama gives us four point in which to live our written life by 1) Proofread, Proofread, Proofread. 2)Pay close attention to your emails they have more value than you know. 3) When it comes to being a good writer be careful of those you correct and how you correct them. 4) Know how to communicate to a multitude of people, not just one genre or group of people.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Marketing a Business

Marketing a Business Abstract Marketing a business is a challenging endeavor. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the Urban Outfitters case study. Difficulties with creating a trendy counterculture image are discussed. Why big box stores cannot sell merchandize identical to Urban Outfitters is explained. The paper explains the value of exclusivity and the relationship between shopping and entertainment.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing a Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Marketing a business is a challenging endeavor. In the atmosphere of fierce competition, uniqueness and exclusivity often become the main sources of competitive advantage. The case of Urban Outfitters suggests that uniqueness and differentiation can help businesses to overcome marketing difficulties and achieve sustained marketing success. Big box stores can never sell merchandize identical to Urban Outfitters: store chains like Wal-Mart or Sears always seek chain supply efficiency, which predetermines their commercial success. As a result, they have to sacrifice exclusiveness for the sake of stable profits and can never satisfy the symbolic needs of customers for ego-identification and self-enhancement. Why Wal-Mart and Sears cannot create an effective trendy counterculture image is not difficult to explain. First, standardization is an essential ingredient of Wal-Mart’s marketing strategies. Standard in their assortment and store design, Wal-Mart, Sears, and similar companies always seek to provide their customers with cheap but quality products. However, counterculture image can never be cheap, nor is it compatible with the key values and visions of big supply chains. Second, supply chain efficiency and low profit margins through high sales volumes are the distinctive features of large supply chains’ operations. The bulk of goods offered by Wal-Mart and Sears will never make customers unique. Any attempt to create a counterculture will reduce their supply chain efficiency and doom most of their business endeavors to failure. Neither Wal-Mart nor Sears can sacrifice their market position for the sake of entering a small counterculture niche. Wal-Mart and Sears win because they meet standard demands of common consumers, who do not seek differentiation but merely want to save their costs. Big box stores can never sell merchandize identical to Urban Outfitters, because the latter relies on low sales volumes, emphasizes exclusivity and differentiation, and provides its staff with freedom of creativity and assortment choice.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Differentiation and large sales volumes are incompatible; again, Wal-Mart cannot sacrifice supply chain efficiency for the sake of acquiring an image of a countercultural provider of exclusive goods. Wal-Mart simply doe s not have enough financial or staff opportunities to ensure that its goods are always new and unique. Take a look at Urban Outfitters: â€Å"every Monday, Urban executives analyze and react to sales for the last week [†¦] the system is flexible enough to change direction on a weekly basis† (Brown, 2004). Every Monday, Urban executives reconsider their assortments and rotate their merchandize, to meet the needs of unique customers (Brown, 2004). Big box stores simply lack flexibility to make exclusivity their defining feature. Moreover, exclusivity does not fit in big box stores’ trade philosophy. â€Å"Exclusive big box stores† is an oxymoron rather than a reality. Wal-Mart and Urban Outfitters are at the two opposite ends of one trade continuum, and they will never become a single entity. Why exclusivity is valuable? Several answers are possible. At once, exclusivity is associated with differentiation, and many customers want to be different from the gray mass of people. At a deeper level, exclusivity reinforces the sense of prestige in the mind of a customer (Groth McDaniel, 1993). It is through exclusivity that brands like Urban Outfitters can meet the symbolic needs of customers, who seek self-enhancement and ego-identification (Park, Jarowski MacInnis, 1986). This is probably why Urban Outfitters target college students, who are still at the very beginning of their way to self-identification. The significance of the relationship between consumption and symbolic needs cannot be overstated: brands like Urban Outfitters \ let their consumers associate themselves with the desired self-image (Park et al, 1986). These symbolic meanings have little to do with a particular product class but are tied to the entire brand, creating a generic image of prestige and wellbeing (Park et al, 1986). Whether or not shopping is entertainment depends upon many factors. However, it is at least incorrect to say that in their shopping experiences all customers inevitably seek entertainment. In reality, different consumers pursue different shopping goals. In brief, consumers can be either product-oriented or experiential (Ibrahim Wee, 2002). The former are motivated by the need to purchase products (Ibrahim Wee, 2002). The latter are guided by recreational and hedonic motives and experience a sense of pleasure inherent in the act of purchase (Ibrahim Wee, 2002). The shopping-as-entertainment-philosophy may not be appropriate for all types of buyers but can become extremely valuable in developing separate shopper segments.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing a Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Marketing is not about providing customers with entertainment opportunities; rather, successful marketing requires knowledge of the motives drawing consumers to the store. Marketing campaigns are successful only when they meet the needs of consumer audienc es. Entertainment can become a useful element of marketing a business, but only in situations when the new or existing brand targets hedonic customers and helps them meet their symbolic needs. Conclusion Marketing is successful to the extent that meets the needs of customers. Big box stores like Wal-Mart and Sears can never sell merchandize identical to Urban Outfitters, since they lack capacity to pursue uniqueness. Wal-Mart customers merely want to save their costs, and standardization is a direct prerequisite of supply chain efficiency in big box stores. Exclusivity is valuable for customers who seek prestige and ego-identification. As a result, entertainment can become a useful element of marketing a business, but only in situations when the new or existing brand targets hedonic customers and helps them to meet their symbolic needs. References Brown, H. (2004, November 11). Urban cowboy. Forbes. Retrieved from Groth, J.C. McDani el, S.W. (1993). The exclusive value principle: The basis for prestige rating. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 10(1), 10-16. Ibrahim, M.F. Wee, N.C. (2002). The importance of entertainment in the shopping centre experience: Evidence from Singapore. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 8(3), 239-254. Park, C.W., Jaworski, B.J. MacInnis, D.J. (1986). Strategic brand concept-image management. Journal of Marketing, vol.50, 135-145.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More