Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Of Mice and Men A review of the novel and information about the author, Steinbeck

Of Mice and Men A review of the novel and information about the author, Steinbeck OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck first takes place a few miles south ofSoledad. There were two men by the names of George and Lennie who became lifelong partners. George thought Lennie needed support because Lennie was mentallyretarded. Later, George and Lennie moved to a ranch nearby Soledad.George and Lennie got into trouble a few miles south of Soledad in a towncalled Weed. The men were hiding out along a river called Salinas, across from theGabililan mountains. Trouble occurred in Weed when Lennie grabbed a hold of aladies dress, because he was curious about the texture of the fabric. The womantook it the wrong way and became upset and frightened. Curdling screams causedsome men to come rushing to the aid of the woman.Lennie then became frightened and ran away. George was such a supportiveand understanding friend that he ran away with him.Lennie JamesRunning together, the twofrightened men hid out in the Salinas River waiting for dusk to come. When duskarrived, the two men gathe red wood and built a fire. Luckily, George had threecans of pork and beans with him in his backpack. They stayed there until morningto start walking again.George told Lennie that he heard of a ranch that was four miles ahead ofthem and they could get a job there. George told Lennie that if he would get intotrouble at the ranch, that he should come back and hide in the bush. Sunrise hadcame and the two men began their walk to the ranch. When George and Lenniearrived, they saw a huge long rectangular building where the bunks were inside, thewalls were white and the floor was wood. The old swamper showed Lennie andGeorge to their...

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