Thursday, October 31, 2019

(Second Language acquisition) Data Collection Assignment requires Research Paper

(Second Language acquisition) Data Collection Assignment requires getting two language samples from second language learners - Research Paper Example However, in a bid to overcome barriers that could hinder one from acquiring new markets and opportunities, people have strived hard to beat all odds and perform feats previously considered impossible by their peers (Zaraysky 2009, 32). To understand the concept of second language acquisition, it is necessary to comprehend some factors that make a language harder to learn than another. The first of these factors is difference in grammatical structure of a language from another. Different languages have varied use of grammar. Whereas one language could demand that the verb comes before the subject, another could require that the subject comes before the verb. This causes initial confusion to the learner, slowing his pace and probability of grasping a new language. Second, a difference in pronunciation requirements of a language hinders one’s ability to articulate in speech a language he may have mastered its vocabulary. In addition, language learners are usually used to their lo cal accents and tone, and managing to cope with a foreign accent is sometimes nightmarish. Cultural differences between different language speakers influence their native language and the ease with which they can adapt to another cultural language (Blake 2008, 43). It is, therefore, important for a second language learner to understand the culture of the people he is learning their tongue. Aims and Objectives of the Research This inter-language data analysis aims at creating an understanding of differences between two sample languages. Upon gathering, analyzing and understanding these facts, there will be a clearer understanding of the difficulties one should expect while learning any of the two languages. In this case, German and English languages are compared and contrasted. Analysis of the languages is based on two samples of short essays (essay 1 and essay 2 available at the appendix). The objective of this comparison and contrast is to make learning the languages easy. Other th an the vocabulary aspect of the two languages, this research goes further to dissect each language in details and reveal their fine linguistic differences. Data pertaining to several aspects of the languages is a crucial facet of the research. Issues to do with pronunciation of English words against German language are considered at length. In addition, the research labors to find out grammatical differences between the two languages. The chief characteristic of this grammatical analysis is the order of verbs, subjects, nouns, pronouns and adjectives. Collected data is also used to create an awareness of the cultural differences, if any. It thereafter tries to offer solutions to the difficulties one observes in learning either English or German as a second language. Clearly, data collection and analysis of learning a second language will make the process of grasping German as a second language to a native English speaker easier. The research aims at lessening the time and effort one puts in learning a new lingo. By preparing one for the challenges to expect in learning a language and providing possible solutions to the hurdles, a learner is placed in a good position to learn fast. Data Collection Methods Methods used to collect data for this research was informed by several factors. It was necessary to put into consideration the data collection strategy, accuracy requirements of the research, skills of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Recruitment and selection consultation Assignment - 3

Recruitment and selection consultation - Assignment Example The firm targets on increasing the consumer base in the short run. Besides, diversification of the services that the firm offers will increase in the near future. The firm comprises of a workforce that comprises of the management and the general human resource on the ground that interact with the firm’s clients on a daily basis (Jianping, 2011, p. 12). The position refers to the owners of the company whose main task is making decisions on behalf of the shareholders of the business firm. The governors also include the people with the most shares in the firm. The individual is responsible for the financial matters that accrue in the firm. The position has the mandate of advising the chief executive officer and the board of governors on the financial decisions that influence the company. The position is responsible for all transactions that the firm partakes on a daily basis. The individual occupying the spot is also responsible for recording the transactions the financial transactions. The position also provides vital information on the solvency of the company and provides updates on the financial of the company(Kim S., 2009, p. 7). The survey shows that the human resource in the firm needs more motivational measures as a way of increasing the output. The need for more working gear is also an implication that is prevailing and entails the future. The consultation procedure should also be made clear on how to go about complaints and requests. The current method provides a suggestion box for suggestions. The consultation process should be in the form of the immediate superior up the ladder to the top most person of the organization. The firm’s need is both managerial and good execution of the duties. Thus, the plan entails on acquiring the most eligible managers, as well as instructors. In addition, the company intends to provide sales executives who will market the firm to potential customers and notify them of the firm’s dealings. The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Goals Systems Theory: Overview

Goals Systems Theory: Overview Jenna Lyles Section B 1. Equifinality: To understand the system property of Equifinality is to understand the old adage â€Å"There’s more than one way to skin a cat.† This means that ultimately the guarantee of success is not reliant on taking/completing any singular path, procedure, or means of fulfilling a system goal. No one way is the only way, as there are multiple ways in which an organization can reach its goal(s). Equifinality Example: This can be exemplified in the University of Central Florida’s attempt to garner more football game attendance. Initially the university promised large amounts of Link Loot. 1,000 Link Loot points if you come out to the UCF game! (The campaign sought to boost school spirit and morale. I mean, where else do you fully immerse yourself in the college experience if not at your university’s football games?) This attempt was successful, primarily amongst freshman, to whom the idea of Link Look seemed especially promising (it doesn’t fully hit you how broke you are until you’re sitting in your freshman community dorm eating a 38-cent cup of Ramen) because it promoted the chance at winning a scholarship. Game attendance did indeed rise, but then, UCF implemented a new tactic. UCF eventually ended the Link Loot process towards the end of 2012. This posed a problem, how would UCF keep attendance at a high? They university had to think of anothe r way—take another route—to ensure game attendance stay peaked. Well they found one indeed. When UCF started winning its football games we all noticed how much the advertising and broadcasting of our commendable record all over campus shot up. It seemed everywhere you turned our undefeated record was thrown in your face. Naturally, people that lacked school spirit or any interest in showing up at the game only to watch UCF get stomped, picked up. Attendance reached an through the roof again because of UCF’s steady effort to get the word out that the University of Central Florida meant business on the field this year. Thus, we have two different means of garnering football game attendance that were able to work interchangeably. The variety used meet the system goal (high football game attendance) stemmed from two different changes which yielded the same result. 2. Multifinality: Multifinality is the system property that can best be epitomized in â€Å"the pursuit of multiple goals by means of a single activity (Shah et al., 2002). Essentially, it is the notion that one act has the power to spawn multiple reactions. Multifinality is preferable to causes which produce one effect as multifinality is the equivalent of getting an exceptional bang for a regular buck, so to speak. Multifinality Example: At Oakleaf High School when one class ends a bell sounds signaling that students are to proceed to their next class a minute before the tardy bell (which declares them late if they have not reached their next destination) sounds a â€Å"warning bell† sounds. This let’s students know that they have approximately 60 seconds to get to their next class. To say that the halls of Oakleaf High School remained, until the shrill of that warning bell blasted, packed, was an understatement. To reduce the socializing that took place in between classes (that which our three vice principals thought aided tardiness) our principal (Mr. Broski) did away with the warning bell. The first week of the new policy showed promising results in more regions than one: tardiness was at a low, there were less accidents on the stairs (since people were not flying down them, racing to class), and the hallways were finally navigable! In this way Oakleaf High School (the system) killed not two, but three birds with one stone! The stone, or goal in this case, being the pursuit of reducing socializing in between classes. 3. Negative Entropy: Negative entropy is the system property by which a system is able to preserve itself and additionally promote the system’s growth. The notion of negative entropy extensively harps on the significance of a system engaging in necessary exchangesnecessary in that these exchanges permit system survival and success with its environment. In this way, negative entropy suggests that a system’s exhibits a definite dependence on a circulation of information/components shared between it and its environment. Negative Entropy Example: An example of multifinality can be found in the closing-down of Blockbusters nation-wide. Blockbuster was a booming movie and game rental business, before entertainment conveniences like Netflix arrived on the scene. Blockbuster remained closed to its environment in that by the time it considered incorporating methods liken to Netflix and OnDemand (online access to entertainment, mail services, etc.) it was too late and they had suffered irrecoverable blows to their revenue. Ultimately Blockbuster would go out of business, shutting down all of their corporate-owned stores. The CEO’s of Blockbuster primarily owe their failure to a stinted interaction with their environment. The failure to see and adjust to the world of entertainment around them, especially methods of renting/viewing entertainment from the convenience of your home, delineates how they ignored the very environment responsible for their system’s (Blockbuster’s) viability. An argument can definitely be made that the company might have otherwise avoided deterioration if they had maintained an ebb and flow of information between themselves and the progressing environment around them. 4. Requisite Variety: Requisite variety is another system property in which the imperativeness of the relationship between a system and its environment is addressed. Requisite variety is, in itself, self-explanatory. Put a simple â€Å"of† in the middle of requisite and variety and you end up with a concise explanation of the notion: requisite of variety. Meaning, the variety within a system (its inner workings, fundamentals, mechanics, etc.) imposes the requisition that the system’s environment be composed of a liken variety. Basically, the environment of a system should match the system’s innards itself, with regard to complication and diversity (for evolution and survival). Why is this necessary? A system that is ill-equipped to handle/adapt to the intricacies of its environment will be overrun with complication and falter. Requisite Variety Example: The easiest way for me to apply this property is to think about instances in which I (the system) have felt overwhelmed and unable to adapt to the intricacies of the situation around me (the environment). A year ago I was my neighbor’s go-to babysitter. She had the kindest, most docile baby boy: Ethan. He was no problem to babysit; easy to entertain, not a picky-eater, and knocked right out after a bedtime story or two. My means of handling him were ingrained and perfected, and so when Barbara (my neighbor) asked if would mind looking after Mateo and Carlos (Ethan’s cousins) I told her that would be no problem. Unbeknownst to me, Mateo and Carlos were far from the little angel that Ethan was. Mateo was lactose intolerant and Carlos had ADHD which was in full-throttle come 8 o’clock. On top of all of this, Barbara requested I watch the boys at their (Mateo and Carlos’s) house because Ethan was spending the night there. I found mys elf unprepared to surmount the obstacles my environment had set in my path; the change in house layout made it impossible to find simple items, I couldn’t find anything (nutritious, anyway) to feed Mateo, Carlos had Ethan on the brink of tears because he was tired and agitated and Carlos kept messing with him, and all three of them seemed unresponsive to my suggestion that everybody go to bed. The end-result was me calling Barbara to admit defeat and ask that she come back home. Thus we have I, the system, was not unable to keep up with the diversity and complications that my environment imposed. This resulted in system failure, as requisite variety confirms it will. References J.Y. Shah, A. Fishbach, R. Friedman, W. Chun, and D. Sleeth-Keppler (2002), â€Å"A Theory of  Goals Systems,† in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 34, M.P. Zanna,  ed. New York: Academic Press, 331–78.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Compare/Contrast Cinderella Essay -- Essays Compare Vietnam Essays

Compare/Contrast Cinderella Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Walt Disney Company is a powerful economic and cultural phenomenon known throughout the United States and the world as a provider of family entertainment (Maltin, 1, 308). Its media and entertainment holdings establish it as a central communicator in contemporary life. As such, it provides many of the first narratives children use to learn about the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Ward, 1). Disney has always been family oriented making it one of the main attractions of reading something Disney. They always have an innocent feeling to their stories, which makes it more appealing for children. But in Vietnamese fairytales a family oriented story may be somewhat gory or violent. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The stories from Vietnam tell us about their culture, their beliefs, and their determination throughout timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Ly, 1). The 1950 version of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Cinderellaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, written by Walter Disney and adapted by Campbell Grant, has some differences and similarities to the Vietnamese à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Tam and Camà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, by Vo Van Thang and Jim Larsen. They differ in their violent content in their stories but similarly have a great deal of magic included and also both have prevalent characters to help them find their way. Being a Disney tale à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Cinderellaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? was not a very violent story. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Our analysis of morality in entertainment is limited and stylized at present. Violence in the media is a major concern, and we research it relentlessly. But our treatments are typically moralistic and academically superficialà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Christians, foreward). In Disney it is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“moralà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? to not use violence and it is also what is culturally acceptable. In Vietnam it is culturally significant to present the violence how it is and it is told to children in this same way. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The stories came about as a means of escaping their everyday lives and a way to live out their dream worldsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Ly, 1). Tam was the good sister and Cam was the evil stepsister who took orders from her evil stepmother. Tam finally had one last chance to get back at them both for the misery they put her through, and she took her chance. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“When Cam was in th e hole Tam ordered the servants to pour in the boiling water, and so her stepsister met her death. Tam had the body made into mam, a rich sauce, and sent it to her stepmother, saying that it was a present from her daughter. Each day the woman ate some of the mam with her meals, always c... ...ish bones in four jars later in the story the four jars become all the ingredients Tam needed to attend the Kingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s festival. The Buddha not only shows her the path to her destiny but also shows her how ordinary, not so beautiful things can become, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“reincarnateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? into extraordinary things.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Cinderellaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Tam and Camà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? are so much alike especially using the workings of magic throughout these tales and also differ in the way that these stories use violence to represent their cultures. Their hope comes from these characters that help them on their paths for Cinderella it was her fairy godmother who created magic and for Tam it was a Buddha who hinted her to create magic reincarnation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Disney, Walter E. Cinderella. Walt Disney's Cinderella. Comp. Campbell Grant. N.p.: n.p., 1950. 516-517 Ly, Hugh H. Vietnamese Children's Stories. 17 July 2003. Pacific University. 1 Apr. 2005 Van Thang, Vo. Jim Larson. Tam and Cam. Tam and Cam (Vietnam). N.p.: n.p., 1993. 228-233 Ward, Annalee R. Clifford G. Christians. Mouse Morality: The Rhetoric of Disney Animated Film. Austin, TX: University Of Texas P, 2002   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Denmark vs America

In this essay I would like to tell about the differences and similarities in Denmark and America. I will tell good stuff and bad stuff, and you will be able to hear my opinoin as well. Denmark and America are way different from each other, but at the same time we’re a bit alike. We see a lot of teenage movies, and about 95 percent of them are from the states, the other 5 percent are from our own country. We see a lot about the teenage lifestyle through these movies, and no matter if we want or not, then we all create an image in our heads about how the lifestyle is. Now I’m so lucky that I’ve actually tried to live the real teenage life in America, and yes, I would say that the image that I had about the American life, was very true. But there is this thing called drama, which teenage movies love to use as exaggeration. So thank goodness that there’s not all that drama in real life. The coolest thing about high schools in the states is that high schools love to have dances, and they spend a lot of energy into planning them, and they spend a lof of money on them, and high school kids love these dances. Prom, for example, is the most important dance of the year, and everybody is talking about it all year. Here in Denmark we just have a random school dance where everybody drinks their brains out, and can’t remember anything the next day and people is only thinking about wearing the smallest outfits that they can find. I’m tempted to say that the exact opposite is the case in in the states, because in the states they are trying to find the biggest dresses, and they don’t drink. This brings me to the next subject that I want to talk about, alcohol. In America you can’t drink untill you’re twenty-one, where as here on the other side of the world, you can drink when you’re sixteen. I think both these ages are a bit ridiculous, the one in Denmark is too low, and the one in America is too high, it should be around eighteen. One thing that I don’t like about the U. S is all the crime; I know that crime is starting to escalate here in Denmark, but it’s still much worse in the U.  S. People are walking around with guns on them; children get kidnapped daily, which is the worst when that happens. When a child gets kidnapped, it’s all over the news and media, and this is called an Amber Alert. I tried that when I was in America, it was terrifying, police men everywhere, helicopters, news people reporting live twenty-four seven. Unfortunately they didn’t find the kid alive; they found the kid only a few blocks away from its house. America has a ton of fast food restaurants which of course cause all the really fat people, who can barely walk. Here in Denmark we don’t have that many fast food restaurants, but we have the most famous ones, and we’re acyually not skinny anymore. So my conclusion is that Denmark and America are different because of the rules and laws we have in each country, here I’m thinking of the drinking age and drivers license. We like to do the same things, such as school dances and parties, but it will never be the same because of the way we’re raised.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Importance of Good Writing

It can not be underestimated the power of good writing. I recently read an Article by Anthony Balderrama that talked about just this subject. Whether you are trying to keep a job, get a job or just maintain a job, he stresses the importance of being a good writer without being a detriment to yourself and all around you. With the advent of twitter, text messaging and blogging , he states that many of us have lost our abilities to formulate a great sentence and put it on paper without using slang words or run on sentences. Mr. Balderrama doesn't just single out those of us who may not be world class writer but he also speaks to those with the Shakespearian flare for formality sending warnings such as â€Å"If you treat every correspondence with too much formality, that will be more noticeable than the content. So sometimes â€Å"Hi† is a better way to open a message than â€Å"Salutations. â€Å"†. The article has a few anecdotes of people who tell their stories of how they have received a good job due to their better than normal writing skills. Better still those who have opened up more doors and opportunities for themselves and others with good writing skills. Finally Mr. Balderrama gives us four point in which to live our written life by 1) Proofread, Proofread, Proofread. 2)Pay close attention to your emails they have more value than you know. 3) When it comes to being a good writer be careful of those you correct and how you correct them. 4) Know how to communicate to a multitude of people, not just one genre or group of people.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Marketing a Business

Marketing a Business Abstract Marketing a business is a challenging endeavor. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the Urban Outfitters case study. Difficulties with creating a trendy counterculture image are discussed. Why big box stores cannot sell merchandize identical to Urban Outfitters is explained. The paper explains the value of exclusivity and the relationship between shopping and entertainment.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing a Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Marketing a business is a challenging endeavor. In the atmosphere of fierce competition, uniqueness and exclusivity often become the main sources of competitive advantage. The case of Urban Outfitters suggests that uniqueness and differentiation can help businesses to overcome marketing difficulties and achieve sustained marketing success. Big box stores can never sell merchandize identical to Urban Outfitters: store chains like Wal-Mart or Sears always seek chain supply efficiency, which predetermines their commercial success. As a result, they have to sacrifice exclusiveness for the sake of stable profits and can never satisfy the symbolic needs of customers for ego-identification and self-enhancement. Why Wal-Mart and Sears cannot create an effective trendy counterculture image is not difficult to explain. First, standardization is an essential ingredient of Wal-Mart’s marketing strategies. Standard in their assortment and store design, Wal-Mart, Sears, and similar companies always seek to provide their customers with cheap but quality products. However, counterculture image can never be cheap, nor is it compatible with the key values and visions of big supply chains. Second, supply chain efficiency and low profit margins through high sales volumes are the distinctive features of large supply chains’ operations. The bulk of goods offered by Wal-Mart and Sears will never make customers unique. Any attempt to create a counterculture will reduce their supply chain efficiency and doom most of their business endeavors to failure. Neither Wal-Mart nor Sears can sacrifice their market position for the sake of entering a small counterculture niche. Wal-Mart and Sears win because they meet standard demands of common consumers, who do not seek differentiation but merely want to save their costs. Big box stores can never sell merchandize identical to Urban Outfitters, because the latter relies on low sales volumes, emphasizes exclusivity and differentiation, and provides its staff with freedom of creativity and assortment choice.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Differentiation and large sales volumes are incompatible; again, Wal-Mart cannot sacrifice supply chain efficiency for the sake of acquiring an image of a countercultural provider of exclusive goods. Wal-Mart simply doe s not have enough financial or staff opportunities to ensure that its goods are always new and unique. Take a look at Urban Outfitters: â€Å"every Monday, Urban executives analyze and react to sales for the last week [†¦] the system is flexible enough to change direction on a weekly basis† (Brown, 2004). Every Monday, Urban executives reconsider their assortments and rotate their merchandize, to meet the needs of unique customers (Brown, 2004). Big box stores simply lack flexibility to make exclusivity their defining feature. Moreover, exclusivity does not fit in big box stores’ trade philosophy. â€Å"Exclusive big box stores† is an oxymoron rather than a reality. Wal-Mart and Urban Outfitters are at the two opposite ends of one trade continuum, and they will never become a single entity. Why exclusivity is valuable? Several answers are possible. At once, exclusivity is associated with differentiation, and many customers want to be different from the gray mass of people. At a deeper level, exclusivity reinforces the sense of prestige in the mind of a customer (Groth McDaniel, 1993). It is through exclusivity that brands like Urban Outfitters can meet the symbolic needs of customers, who seek self-enhancement and ego-identification (Park, Jarowski MacInnis, 1986). This is probably why Urban Outfitters target college students, who are still at the very beginning of their way to self-identification. The significance of the relationship between consumption and symbolic needs cannot be overstated: brands like Urban Outfitters \ let their consumers associate themselves with the desired self-image (Park et al, 1986). These symbolic meanings have little to do with a particular product class but are tied to the entire brand, creating a generic image of prestige and wellbeing (Park et al, 1986). Whether or not shopping is entertainment depends upon many factors. However, it is at least incorrect to say that in their shopping experiences all customers inevitably seek entertainment. In reality, different consumers pursue different shopping goals. In brief, consumers can be either product-oriented or experiential (Ibrahim Wee, 2002). The former are motivated by the need to purchase products (Ibrahim Wee, 2002). The latter are guided by recreational and hedonic motives and experience a sense of pleasure inherent in the act of purchase (Ibrahim Wee, 2002). The shopping-as-entertainment-philosophy may not be appropriate for all types of buyers but can become extremely valuable in developing separate shopper segments.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing a Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Marketing is not about providing customers with entertainment opportunities; rather, successful marketing requires knowledge of the motives drawing consumers to the store. Marketing campaigns are successful only when they meet the needs of consumer audienc es. Entertainment can become a useful element of marketing a business, but only in situations when the new or existing brand targets hedonic customers and helps them meet their symbolic needs. Conclusion Marketing is successful to the extent that meets the needs of customers. Big box stores like Wal-Mart and Sears can never sell merchandize identical to Urban Outfitters, since they lack capacity to pursue uniqueness. Wal-Mart customers merely want to save their costs, and standardization is a direct prerequisite of supply chain efficiency in big box stores. Exclusivity is valuable for customers who seek prestige and ego-identification. As a result, entertainment can become a useful element of marketing a business, but only in situations when the new or existing brand targets hedonic customers and helps them to meet their symbolic needs. References Brown, H. (2004, November 11). Urban cowboy. Forbes. Retrieved from Groth, J.C. McDani el, S.W. (1993). The exclusive value principle: The basis for prestige rating. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 10(1), 10-16. Ibrahim, M.F. Wee, N.C. (2002). The importance of entertainment in the shopping centre experience: Evidence from Singapore. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 8(3), 239-254. Park, C.W., Jaworski, B.J. MacInnis, D.J. (1986). Strategic brand concept-image management. Journal of Marketing, vol.50, 135-145.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Monday, October 21, 2019


US INVOLVEMENT IN WWII essays U.S. Involvement in European Conflict In the year 1939 when World War II broke out, President Roosevelt was quick to declare the United States a neutral party in the conflict. He felt this best for our nation, as did the American citizens. We wished to avoid all foreign entanglements. On December 7th, 1941 the public outlook changed with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Soon after, Germany declared war on our nation. Through the use of propaganda, videos and posters alike, the U.S. government soon had the American people backing the war effort. We soon saw and understood that Germany had to be stopped. The United States was by no means the soul contributor to the downfall of Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany, but without our support, technology, and manpower, the Axis powers would have dominated the European continent. Even before the United States entered the war, we supported the British and Soviet forces. The staple of their war effort originated in the Lend-Lease Program. Instated by President Roosevelt in 1941, this act supplied Britain with a quarter of their munitions and Russia with just over a tenth of theirs. These goods were not seen as credits or loans, rather given freely to the nations fighting against the Axis powers in the interest of national defense (Dear 677). This secured a staging ground for all attacks on Southern Europe. During the war in Northern Africa, the Lend-Lease Act provided General Montgomery with nearly 700 tanks, weighing the battles in his favor and aiding in securing his victory against Rommel and the Afrika Corps (Dupuy 21). This program not only supplied countries with munitions and vehicles, but also with food. One-tenth of Americas entire crop yield was spent on supporting Britain while they were being cut off by German U-Boats. Also, at this time, near ly two thirds of all oil production used by the Allies came from wells in Texas and California. This was yet another vital compon...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Acute Exacerbation of Asthma

A respiratory viral infection plays a major role in important aspects of asthma and its exacerbation; which is nearly associated for about 80% of overall respiratory condition. Viral pathogen associated with wheezing includes Human Rhinovirus (HRV), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Parainfluenza, and coronavirus (Busse & Lemanske. 2010). Rhinovirus is associated with common colds that may cause sore throat, sinus infection, ear infection and to some degree of bronchiolitis and pneumonia (American†¦ Dermatology Case Study Molly Artime, Paige Cooper, Shonna Dillman, Kasey Parrott, Brigitte Toingar Maryville University Dermatology Case Study The following case study has been given careful consideration. 64-year-old female presents to your office with the complaint of a contusion on her left outer calf 1 month ago when she hit her left leg on furniture at her home. Patient was seen in a local Urgent Care and given unknown antibiotics for a skin infection. Patient did not finish the antibiotic†¦ Airway/Breathing (Oxygenation) Pneumonia/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinical Reasoning Case Study STUDENT Worksheet JoAnn Walker, 84 years old Overview This case study incorporates a common presentation seen by the nurse in clinical practice: community acquired pneumonia with a history of COPD causing an acute exacerbation. Principles of spiritual care are also naturally situated in this scenario to provide rich discussion of â€Å"how to† practically incorporate this into the nurse’s†¦ I. Introduction This is a case of a 74 year old woman who was diagnosed with Community Acquired Pneumonia. Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection of the lungs most commonly caused by a bacteria or virus. Pneumonia can also be caused by inhaling vomit or other foreign substances. In all cases, the lungs' air sacs fill with pus , mucous, and other liquids and cannot function properly. This means oxygen cannot reach the blood and the cells of the body. Most pneumonias are caused by bacterial†¦ and presenting symptoms, the doctor suspected an exacerbation of her COPD. He ordered a chest x-ray which revealed that fluid had accumulated in her lungs. Part of the disease process of COPD is hypersecretion of mucus which collects and fills the lungs (D., Chojnowski, 2003). The consolidation seen was most likely due to this process. Mrs. Jones's symptom work up revealed no obvious cause for this exacerbation, but up to 1/3 of COPD exacerbations have an unknown etiology (D., Chojnowski, 2003).†¦ Case Study: COPD Exacerbation Jeffrey Sherman Due Date: January 16, 2012 Wayland Baptist University Adult Health II COPD Exacerbation The purpose of this paper is to discuss an exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and its effect on my patient, Mr. HS, a 78 year old male. In this paper we will look at the various facets in the disease process including its incidence, pathophysiology, presenting complaints, analysis of his clinical presentation, and discuss treatment†¦ This is a case study on a 76 year old man.Mr Alan Chari(pseudonym used to protect the identity of a patient),was admitted over night in my department.He is a divorcee who stays with son.He is a retired teacher and his son is permanently employed by a local company as an electrician.He is independent with activities of daily livings but is occasionally limited by his ill health.He used to be a heavy smoker .After realising the burden COPD has on general New Zealand population ,affecting about15%†¦ A case study of asthma in a 10 year old European child. This case study will cover the normal structure and function of the respiratory system. This case study will also discuss the changes that occur when asthma is triggered, and the routine diagnostic tests/vital signs for asthma. The normal range of the routine tests/vital signs for asthma and three nursing interventions that are required to meet the clients needs in relation to asthma will be explained further. To stay alive we need oxygen†¦ Assignment Asthma is a condition of the airways that affects millions of Australians and while the incidence is increasing, management strategies such as the written asthma action plan allow individuals to take control of their condition (Australian Asthma Handbook, 2016). This assignment will look at asthma’s common risk factors, the pathophysiology of the disease, while exploring the recent research in management of acute exacerbations and developing an asthma action plan for Sara from the case scenario†¦ Family Health Case Study Kirstin Fisher Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences University of Colorado Colorado Springs A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of NURS 3010: Pathophysiology FALL 2016 Introduction The family member I will be focusing on in this paper will be my maternal grandfather, Andy Anderson. Mr. Anderson is 70 years old and was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease over 5 years ago. He is a†¦

Friday, October 18, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8

Report - Essay Example More people are embracing the use of feedback in the teaching process, especially due to its benefits over other methods of teaching. Increasingly, more schools are adopting the use of feedback as a method of teaching their students. With this regard, this paper seeks to establish the reasons behind the success and growth of the use of feedback among teachers in schools. Additionally, it will focus on the advantages and challenges facing feedback as a teaching method. As feedback gives an opportunity to the teacher to understand the emotions of the students, this method has increasingly gained proves to be the most effective teaching tool. From the research, the paper recommends that whenever teachers decide to use feedback as a tool of evaluation, not only should the timing be appropriate but also have independent evaluation committees. This is the only way that the method could achieve best results. 2.0 Introduction Feedback is one of the commonly used methods of teaching for stude nts currently. Over time, there has been an increase in the number of teaching methods that teachers and educators use for effective teaching of their students. ... While discussing the use of feedback in higher education, this essay through secondary research will outline some of the benefits and challenges facing this method of teaching, and later present findings of the research, finally drawing conclusions and recommendations from this study. 3.0 Background   There is an increased emphasis on the contribution of student feedback to the quality of education among students. Different researchers have sought to conduct different students on the impact of feedback on the quality of education. According to Rowe (2010), the current research considerably focuses on the effectiveness of feedback among the students. Additionally, it focuses on the timing of the feedback as well as the modes that offer feedback. Other researchers have sought to demystify the effectiveness of feedback by conducting an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of feedback to the students. With these researches, different educators have adopted the use of student fe edback as a teaching method. This research seeks to establish the effects that feedback has on the students through an analysis of its advantages and disadvantages (Swain, 2008). 4.0 Nature of Feedback Feedback, defined as giving specified information about a person’s current behavior aims at helping him or her continue with the behavior or modifying the behavior. It involves the sharing of information about the student’s performance, giving them an opportunity to express their sentiments on the learning process. As such, this is the most important tool used in the teaching process (Richardson, 2005). Positive feedback indicates that teachers should sustain the behavior, due to its effectiveness or appropriateness. On the other hand, negative or

International Estate Planning Benchmark Assignment 8 Coursework

International Estate Planning Benchmark Assignment 8 - Coursework Example On the other hand, it is advisable for Cynthia to set up a trust benefit for her sons in the United States; this is because her children are likely to succeed her in running the business that is already in partnership. The benefit trust secures the business in legal angles. United States has set legal policies that consider foreign citizens. For instance, the fact that all states of the United States approve that definite asset of a debtor ought to and resolve to be protected from creditors. This and among other policies safeguard U.S citizens who have set up a business in foreign in countries. In addition, she cannot opt for Brazil as it is clear that the powers and responsibilities of trustees and the privileges of beneficiaries are recognized and applied to the laws of United States and not in Brazil. In fact, there is no country has that has better political stability more than the United States (Feldstein,

Environmental Liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental Liability - Essay Example It is in the reasoning with the teleological ethics which calls fro moral obligation towards a desirable good end of any process that the company has acted on the environmental consequence of its business as a part of its moral obligation. Let us look at the initiatives that BP has taken towards addressing the issue of the changes in the environment. (Shah, 2003) BP traces its existence from 1908 when it was involved in the search for oil in the rugged part of Persia after it conducted a long and difficult search for the precious commodity. Since then the company has been able to propel through the years with use of superior technology and good management practices to a global company that it is now. (BP, 2008e) It has different products for the road for home and for business. On the road the company provides BP gas cards, Fuel and stations, motor oil and lubricants, route planner, station locator and target neutral. On our homes the company provides liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and solar which are important sources of energy for our homes. Fore the business field, the company has an array of product like air BP, ARCO Aluminium, Aromatics and Acetyls, Asphalt and Bitumen, BP Crude, BP Franchising, BP gas cards, Gas and power, Industrial Lubricants, Invoice tracking system, Marine fuel and lubricants, and solar. . BP and the environment One of the biggest challenges that the company faced by the turn of the century was increasing criticism from many parts of the world on the way it was responding to the changes that were taking place in the environment. It was a challenge that the company had to take initiatives in since it was a threat to its line business. (Thompson, 2001) The company was faced with an ethical dilemma of continuing with its business amid the outcry from the public on the effects of fossil fuel on the environment. Its direct line of business was being affected and it had to do something. Since the company also understood the effects of the fossil fuels on the environment, there were not many alternatives to the problem and therefore the best way to deal with the problem was to do something about it. It had to stay in business despite the effects it was making on the environment. In light of the deontological ethical theory that dictates that obligatory or the duty that we have, the company had to come up with a way of dealing with the problem. Following the postulation of the theory, the line of business of the company was legal and justified in driving the economic system of the world. But at the same time it the consequences of het action were right and wrong at the same time. They were right in the sense that we all depend on fossil fuel as a source of energy and wrong in the sense that they are polluting the environment. The more the company tried to apply these ethical theories, the more complex the matter became and the more the dilemma. Environment and society In order to address the changes that were taking place in the environment and to play a role in the society, the company started environment and society program. Although the program started on a small scale it has expanded in the recent

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Paintings by Georges-Pierre Seurat and Vincent Van Gogh Essay - 1

Paintings by Georges-Pierre Seurat and Vincent Van Gogh - Essay Example The essay "Paintings by Georges-Pierre Seurat and Vincent Van Gogh" analyzes The Starry Night’s intricate details while comparing it to the ‘Grandcamp, Evening’ painting by Georges-Pierre Seurat. Looking at the ‘The Starry Night’, one gets a feel of boldness in the painting. There is the use of dark shades of color to bring out a general feel of the painting. There is also the use of lines of different shapes and lengths. The clouds seem to be in motion as they are drawn in a continuous circular motion, while the stars and moon have unusual light around them. The focal point is a flame resemblance of a cypress tree that is a contrast from the village below. Vincent drew this piece while in bad mental shape and was in an asylum at the time. Some critics say that the scenery from his window could have afforded him the general idea with the rest of the features borrowed from memory. This is especially true with the illustration of the church spike that i ndicates Netherlands as his home land. There has been analysis of this painting showing that all the objects in the picture stand for various meanings. This is an iconography of Vincent’s world at the time. On the other hand, George’s work of art in ‘Grandcamp, Evening seems to give a different atmosphere. Here, the painter has incorporated various hues of color to create a sense of calm and isolation. The landscape in the background has been developed by the use of short strokes of lines to indicate a town in the far horizon, a grim sky.

Race and Your Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Race and Your Community - Essay Example who has not had much engagement in the arena of race discourse and who have been spared the oppressions wrought upon racial minorities, it is all too easy for me to forget that there are looming issues that need to be resolved and ugly truths that have to be confronted. And while much has changed since the 1800’s, and new developments have been introduced that have sought to alleviate the racial divide not only in this State and in this country but in the world as well, it is incorrect to believe that the problem has been completely solved. We must be grateful that the world we have now is a better, more tolerant and more accepting world, but we must still try to think of steps to further reduce the racial divide. I look around me and I see that members of my community look like me. White Americans easily form 70% of my community, though there are those of African American, Asian and Latin American descent around me. Caucasians look alike for obvious reasons – skin color, eye color and hair color reveal a common racial blueprint. Even the most idle observer would perhaps be able to distinguish among the races because of these distinctions. It is also worthy to note that the racial divide seems to extend to choice in fashion, music, and the like. African-Americans tend to dress alike, for instance, and have the same tastes in music. For example, Tennessee boasts of a long tradition of gospel music, commonly associated with African Americans. Jazz music is also another Tennessee tradition. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920’s – the period wherein blacks made their mark in the artistic scene – saw black musicals and jazz music emerging in the mainstream scene. Indeed, the differences in the musical tastes run deep and add a colorful flavor to the Tennessee cultural collage. Of course, there are many songs of recent vintage that cut across race, particularly among the younger generation. Our political office is comprised of African-Americans and Caucasians

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Environmental Liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental Liability - Essay Example It is in the reasoning with the teleological ethics which calls fro moral obligation towards a desirable good end of any process that the company has acted on the environmental consequence of its business as a part of its moral obligation. Let us look at the initiatives that BP has taken towards addressing the issue of the changes in the environment. (Shah, 2003) BP traces its existence from 1908 when it was involved in the search for oil in the rugged part of Persia after it conducted a long and difficult search for the precious commodity. Since then the company has been able to propel through the years with use of superior technology and good management practices to a global company that it is now. (BP, 2008e) It has different products for the road for home and for business. On the road the company provides BP gas cards, Fuel and stations, motor oil and lubricants, route planner, station locator and target neutral. On our homes the company provides liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and solar which are important sources of energy for our homes. Fore the business field, the company has an array of product like air BP, ARCO Aluminium, Aromatics and Acetyls, Asphalt and Bitumen, BP Crude, BP Franchising, BP gas cards, Gas and power, Industrial Lubricants, Invoice tracking system, Marine fuel and lubricants, and solar. . BP and the environment One of the biggest challenges that the company faced by the turn of the century was increasing criticism from many parts of the world on the way it was responding to the changes that were taking place in the environment. It was a challenge that the company had to take initiatives in since it was a threat to its line business. (Thompson, 2001) The company was faced with an ethical dilemma of continuing with its business amid the outcry from the public on the effects of fossil fuel on the environment. Its direct line of business was being affected and it had to do something. Since the company also understood the effects of the fossil fuels on the environment, there were not many alternatives to the problem and therefore the best way to deal with the problem was to do something about it. It had to stay in business despite the effects it was making on the environment. In light of the deontological ethical theory that dictates that obligatory or the duty that we have, the company had to come up with a way of dealing with the problem. Following the postulation of the theory, the line of business of the company was legal and justified in driving the economic system of the world. But at the same time it the consequences of het action were right and wrong at the same time. They were right in the sense that we all depend on fossil fuel as a source of energy and wrong in the sense that they are polluting the environment. The more the company tried to apply these ethical theories, the more complex the matter became and the more the dilemma. Environment and society In order to address the changes that were taking place in the environment and to play a role in the society, the company started environment and society program. Although the program started on a small scale it has expanded in the recent

Race and Your Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Race and Your Community - Essay Example who has not had much engagement in the arena of race discourse and who have been spared the oppressions wrought upon racial minorities, it is all too easy for me to forget that there are looming issues that need to be resolved and ugly truths that have to be confronted. And while much has changed since the 1800’s, and new developments have been introduced that have sought to alleviate the racial divide not only in this State and in this country but in the world as well, it is incorrect to believe that the problem has been completely solved. We must be grateful that the world we have now is a better, more tolerant and more accepting world, but we must still try to think of steps to further reduce the racial divide. I look around me and I see that members of my community look like me. White Americans easily form 70% of my community, though there are those of African American, Asian and Latin American descent around me. Caucasians look alike for obvious reasons – skin color, eye color and hair color reveal a common racial blueprint. Even the most idle observer would perhaps be able to distinguish among the races because of these distinctions. It is also worthy to note that the racial divide seems to extend to choice in fashion, music, and the like. African-Americans tend to dress alike, for instance, and have the same tastes in music. For example, Tennessee boasts of a long tradition of gospel music, commonly associated with African Americans. Jazz music is also another Tennessee tradition. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920’s – the period wherein blacks made their mark in the artistic scene – saw black musicals and jazz music emerging in the mainstream scene. Indeed, the differences in the musical tastes run deep and add a colorful flavor to the Tennessee cultural collage. Of course, there are many songs of recent vintage that cut across race, particularly among the younger generation. Our political office is comprised of African-Americans and Caucasians

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Project Estimating Techniques Essay Example for Free

Project Estimating Techniques Essay Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Project estimating techniques are important to project managers, because they provide them with accurate predictions on which good planning and risk assessment are more soundly based. An estimate is used as an assessment tool to determine the quantitative outcome of a project. Project estimation is important because it justifier’s the project, usually at the initial stage of the project. This is because it enables the project managers to compare the costs with the anticipated benefits, thus determining the profitability of the project. Project estimation is important because it assists in enforcing the various disciplines required to make the project succeed as well as enabling everyone understand the impact of the project. Project estimation is usually based on three components, which include experience, expert judgment and task decomposition. In experience, the project is compared with projects that have been previously completed. In task decomposition, the project is decomposed into various components known as work breakdown structures and estimating the outcome of each work package. (Rad, 2002). Cost estimation technique   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cost estimation and budgeting involves estimation of the cost allocated to various duties in the project and the budget for each duty. The initial cost estimation of a project determines the fate of that particular project. It is very important to make accurate cost estimation, because if the cost is over estimation, there is a high likelihood of losing the project. Cost estimation involves identifying various elements, which include resources that are required for the project profits to be made from the project, overheads involves into the technology and the total expenses of the project. The total costs of the project should be analyzed in relation to the work packages of the project. In cost estimation, the total budget cost of each work packages in the projects identified and the process distributed over the time spent on each work package. The cost of each work package is then determined based on the activities and time spent on the package. The cumulative budget cost is used to determine the cost spent over a period of time and it analyzes the cost performance of the project.  Ã‚   The cumulative budget cost is used as a baseline against the actual cost and performance of the project. While preparing the cost estimation budget of a project it is important to consider decision-making processes, investment opportunities and performance reviews. During the project, project managers are advised to keep tract of the committed cost as well as the actual cost by collecting data and maintaining it in an information system. The committed cost should be set aside because it is money that has to be paid out in future. Another important element in cost estimation is determining the earned value for a project. This is determined by the value of work that has been performed and requires collection of data on the complete percentage of each work package. ( Lock,2007). Base and contingency estimation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In base and contingency technique, the estimation involves two components the base and the contingency. The base is referred to as the minimum expected time that is required to complete the project if everything goes as planned. The contingency is the level of trust that is usually placed on the base when all risks taken are put into account. Contingency costs are set aside only for unexpected events and omissions that may arise during the project. Separating the base and contingency cost is determined by considering everything that fail or go wrong during the project. The contingency cost is determined by using the risk analysis technique. Importance of project estimation techniques in an organization base and contingency estimation in an organization, the project manager is required to take into account all the wide risks that the project may encounter. The manager is also required to undertake a risk analysis and determine the appropriate amount of contingency to be set aside. The project contingency can be estimated by determining the money and resources to be used in the project. In order to produce an estimation of the project, the project manager is required to decompose the project into various tasks, otherwise known as a work breakdown structure. The project manager will then estimate each task as appropriate, add the estimates together and finally add the project contingency. Contingency estimation is usually based on expert judgment dependent on various cost engineering. Cost estimation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The cost estimation technique in an organization is required in order to support good-decision making processes as well as making a schedule of the work. Project managers use the cost estimation technique to determine whether the project is worth the effort being put into it. The development of cash flow needs and time-phased budgets requires a proper cost and time estimation technique. Project estimation is important in an organization because it enables them decide whether investing in a certain project is good for the company. (Verzuh, 2005). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚   Project estimation is the foundation of planning a project because it establishes appropriate targets for the cost and the work packages. Project that are planned based on unrealistic estimations turn out poorly and with very high budgets and schedules. In order to achieve reliable estimates, the project scope should be well identified and defined. If the product scope is defined as unrealistic, then the estimation may be inaccurate therefore leading to very unrealistic targets; initially the project estimation is based on decomposition of the project into work packages. Project estimation is thus, essential for project planning and target setting. Reference Rad, P. F. (2002). Project estimation and cost management. Management concepts. Lock, D. (2007). Project management. Gower publishing Verzuh, E. (2005). The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley and sons.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Functionalism In Families And Societies

Functionalism In Families And Societies Functionalists view the family as a nuclear family structure, i.e. a mother, father and 1 or 2 children. Murdock surveyed 250 societies from the small hunting tribes to the large industrialised societies. He found that in every society there was some form of a nuclear family, he concluded from this study that the nuclear family was universal. Murdocks definition of a nuclear family is Within the framework of the nuclear family, Murdock identified with four family functions which if were ignored, society would not exist. Sexual, Reproduction, Economic and Education were the four functions. Similar to Murdock, Tallcott Parsons another functionalist had his own views of what functions the nuclear family should contribute to society. He believed that there were two important roles within the family Expressive and Instrumental. The womens role was the Expressive role as she was the one who raised, nurtured and taught the children the norms and values within the home. The mans role was the Instrumental role because he went out to work to provide financial security for his family. Parsons also identified the family as being the primary agent of socialisation and came up with the warm bath theory primary socialisation (norms and values) and stabilisation of adult personalities (support and love for the adults within the family. Criticisms Functionalists view of the family is similar to a fairy tale, because they ignore the family dynamics and in some families the darker side i.e. abuse, neglect and violence through male domination. Marxism A Marxist perspective of the family saw the family as a means of production and cheap labour whereby they are influenced by capitalism in a capitalist society. Marxists identified three main functions which they saw as a way for the family to fulfil for capitalism. Inheritance of Property means that in order for property to be handed down to a legitimate heir, sexual relationships need to be restricted to one person, thus the offspring would be blood related. For this to happen, The monogamous nuclear family developed with the emergence of private property, in particular the private ownership of the forces of production, and the advent of the state, (cited in Haralambos, M. 1985. 340) The second function is the Ideological Functions which families need to fulfil by socialising children with the ideas that there will always be bosses and workers within a capitalist society. The last function looks at the Unit of Consumption whereby families work to produce goods, which are bought by the families to enable them to be fed and clothed, which bring greater profit for the capitalists. Criticisms Marxists ignore the different structures of families which are found in todays society and with this the different roles within the family. Feminism Feministic views of the family are split into 3 groups, similar to that of the key perspectives. Liberal feminists believe that both the male and the females have equal roles within the family when it comes to the household chores and childcare. Marxist feminists view the women as the producer of future workers and womens oppression stems from capitalism and not the family. Radical feminists view of the family structure is one of patriarchal and that men are seen as the enemy. This type of family within society is also seen by feminists as the key institution in its contribution to maintaining social control Criticisms All three branches of feminism view the nuclear family as the most dominant unit within society, as well as believing that all members of the family serve society, performing different functions. Post Modernist A post modernistic view of the family is at the opposite ends of the scale to functionalism. Post modernists believe that in most societies there are diverse and multi-cultural types of families where members within these units are free to make their own life choices as to how, what and where they live, work and socialise within society. Post modernists also believe that everyone is entitled to the same opportunities in education, healthcare and family support as in their view, there are no class divisions (working and ruling classes), in most societies. Zietlin et al summarises this view of the world, The post modern world is shaped by pluralism, democracy, religious freedom, consumerism, mobility and increasing access to news and entertainment, (Zietlin class handout 2009. 92) Criticisms Because of their views of equal opportunities and freedom of speech and choices they ignore the fact that some people can and do make wrong choices with regards to ignoring the norms and values which are passed down the generations which inevitably upsets the social control aspects in some societies. How the roles and relationships of the family have change over time. Sociologists view childhood as Social Construction because they are biologically distinct from adults, (Harris, M. 2008.44) For this reason I will explain the question in two parts. Children The role of the child within a pre-industrial family (pre 1750), was one of equal standing. As soon as the child could walk and talk they were taught the family trade and were expected to carry on the family tradition. After the industrial revolution came the emergence of the industrial family (1800-1900), when children as young as 6 or 7 were sent to work in factories and down coal mines to bring money into the family home, however this brought about higher mortality rates because children werent as strong as adults. The mortality rates went into decline when the modern industrial family emerged (1900-2000), this is because children were starting to be seen as children and not as cheap labour. Experiences of childhood began to emerge for the majority of children within families, however there are still some societies today that still send their children out to work, but this is now not the norm in todays world. Gender roles and relationships During the pre-industrial years both men and women worked together with other family members. However this all changed between 1750 and 1900 when women were expected to stay at home and be responsible for household chores, childcare and producing the future workforce. This type of family structure was very patriarchal the men had the power so they were the dominators in the family. However this started to change when the modern industrial family emerged between 1900 and 2000, as more women were given the opportunity to become educated, this led to more women in the workforce. This led the family to share the household chores and the childcare and sometimes swap roles within the family if the man became unemployed. Diversity of the contemporary family structure What is a family? This question has been raised by many sociologists and the majority of these have all had different opinion. However in answer to this question, a family can be the nuclear or extended type of family, which are 2 or 3 generations living under one roof. This type of family was more common pre-1750 when families worked with and supported each other, and which still does happen in some cultures and societies i.e. Asian families. Other types of family structures which are more common in Britain today are the one parent families, the step families, the divorced families and the gay and lesbian families who have children. Families today are extremely diverse and multi-cultural through social influences from the media, education and global improvements. Conclusion Throughout this assignment I have paid particular attention to the different views of Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism and Post Modernism. I have given an evaluation of each perspective and have briefly described the changes in roles, relationships and structures within families. I have concluded in my evaluation that my opinion of families and households is one that in todays society of choice, freedom, diversity and multi-cultural structures that post modernism is by far the best view and explanation of society today.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Growing Up With Terrorists :: Living With Terrorism

On September 11, 2001, I walked downstairs to have my breakfast and turned on the T.V. since I was alone. Coincidentally, I turned to the right channel at the right time when the news was informing the nation about an event that would change our lives and leave a mark in history. Everyday, things affect us in ways we have never experienced, teaching us new lessons and information which help us grow as individuals, or in this case, also as a nation. Events that affect us personally tend to change our perspective on life and introduce us even more into the "adult" world. I had just been informed that our own American commercial airlines had been hijacked and run into the World Trade towers and the Pentagon. Later, on my way to school, they announced that the second of the twin towers had finally collapsed. We continued watching the news and discussing the current and upcoming events in each of our classes, and finally, as time went by, the story unfolded revealing who was behind it all and why they did it. In history, our teacher taped a T.V. special on the background of Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban, and their relations with America. Before I watched the special, I had never heard the name Bin Laden before in my life, and I did not really know anything about the Taliban either, except it was some group in the Middle East. I felt very naà ¯ve that it was possible that I did not know of something this big and important, and now I had a million questions to ask. Perhaps it is because I do not read the newspaper daily and rarely watch the news that this would come as such a shock to me. I have been relying on my friends, parents, and teachers for information on current events going on in the world, so I never felt the need to actually search for information myself because it had always been handed to me. I had no idea that I had been missing out on so many important details about our world, and now all the things that I had been missing out on were instantly making more headlines, and I was overwhelmed.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Notes on John Locke :: Second Treatise on Civil Government

Notes on John Locke (1632-1704), selections from The Second Treatise of Government (1690) As we will examine it, a defining theme of the American experience from Thomas Jefferson through Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Martin Luther King, Jr. is democratic revolution: these and other major figures seek to change the existing social structure, in order to expand the circle of democracy - to encompass ever larger groups of people within a democratic framework which recognizes the basic equality and rights of each member. Using Jefferson as the starting point, the circle of democratic rights initially includes white males over the age of 41 who meet certain property requirements. Elizabeth Cady Stanton seeks to enlarge this circle to include women - as Martin Luther King, Jr., seeks to enlarge the circle to include people of color. How do you argue for revolutionary change? The American experience is striking not only for its theme of revolutionary change: more fundamentally, these diverse calls for revolution all rest on a shared, central argument. This argument begins from certain premises, and uses those premises to support a specific conclusion - the conclusion that democratic revolution, radical social change in the direction of increasing equality with regard to rights and standing before the law, is justified. The shared argument looks like this: [P1] Governments (Jefferson, Cady Stanton) and laws (Martin Luther King, Jr.) are legitimate only if they rest on the consent of the governed and protect basic rights. [P2] If governments and laws lack this consent, and/or fail to protect these rights, then [C1] such governments are no longer legitimate, and/or such laws are unjust. [P3] Illegitimate governments and/or unjust laws require no allegiance. Therefore, [C2] Illegitimate governments and/or unjust laws must be dissolved and replaced with legitimate governments and/or just laws i.e., governments and/or laws which rest on the consent of the governed and protect basic rights (i.e., which meet the conditions of [P1]). While Jefferson first articulates this argument as the central justification for the American Revolution, we will see this argument used to support the struggle for women's suffrage (Cady Stanton) and the struggle for civil rights for American blacks (Martin Luther King, Jr.). But Jefferson did not invent this argument or its underlying assumptions. Among other sources, Jefferson was deeply influenced by Locke's views on human nature and the political arrangements befitting that nature - especially as Locke articulated his political philosophy in Two Treatistes of Government (1690).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mgt 4045

Explain the rationale for the global harmonization of financial reporting and disclosure requirements. -Make the financial statement more comparable across the global market so investors can invest their capital in more efficient comparable. 2. Identify two groups that are exerting pressure for pursuing global harmonization. How do these two groups stand to benefit from harmonization? -Investors are concerned with the reliability and comparability of sinacial statement in countries other than theirs.They favor this because it will help lower cost of investing in countries aboard and enhance the effectiveness of investment decisions. Multinational companies want global harmonization because of the increase in international diversity of manufacturing and sales. The fact that all accounting practices are not compatible means that they devote more resources to prepare and consolidate there financial statements. 3. What are the main obstacles to global accounting harmonization? In your op inion, are these obstacles likely to be overcome in the near future? The main obstacles are due to economics and politics. I think it will be a very slow and hard process to invoke in the near future because of everyone sensitivity and pride of there own countries.The polices would have to come from a super national organization and combine principals of many different countries. 4. What is the role of each of the following supra-national organizations? a. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) -Developed as a parent entity of the IASB, it is an independent standards setter that assumes accounting standards setting responsibilities from IASC. . International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) -Organizational accounting organization that represents accountants employed in public practices, and the primary activity is to serve public interests and to facilitate cooperation among members. c. International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) -Known as the international standard setters for securities market, it promote high standards of regulation for sounds markets, and establishes standard and effective surveillance of international securities to name a few objectives. d.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) -â€Å"Rich mans club†, comprised of 30 countries that produce 2/3 of the worlds goods and services in were all countries are committed to a market economy and pluralistic democracy, that provided governments with a setting to discuss, develop, and perfect economic an d social policies. 5. The FASB has described their proposal to transition to IFRS as an â€Å"improve and adopt† approach. What are the two parts of this â€Å"improve and adopt† proposal? Why does the FASB support this approach? First, the â€Å"improve and adopt† plan will require a joint effort by FASB and IASB to develop and improve standards in the areas that will benefit financial statements users universally. Secondly, a gradual approach transition to IFRS will reduce the disruptions that might occur from an abrupt switch. -Third, this approach allows other infrastructures elements to improve and converge while IFRS and improved and mandated. Finally, this approach avoids the added cost and complexity of dealing with two accounting systems. 6.What is the current plan for joint projects between the FASB and IASB? What is your assessment of the reasonableness of this plan? -The current plan between the joint projects is on a modified strategy and a delayed timeline for several of their convergence project extended till the end of 2011. Even thought that are delayed it is said that it will not negatively impact the SEC’s timeline. I think it is a good idea to have a longer period of time to implement these joint projects because it gives the stakeholders more time to express there input. 7.The PWC article identifies eleven (11) joint projects currently underway (i. e. , financial instruments, revenue recognition, leases, etc. ). Select three of these joint projects to consider in depth. For the three projects you have selected: -Financial Instruments- The issues with the financial instruments used to cause an inconsistent way of reporting value, revenue and other forms of financial information’s that could misleading investors. The joint project it to bring off these financial instruments together to make it easier to understand.To bring convergence there is a need for multiple new a more useful approaches like, recognizing losses earlier and recognizing credit impairments when not thought to collect. -Revenue recognition- Revenue recognition currently recognizes revenue when the customer signs into an agreement and values the price of fulfillment as being a fixed value. The new joint project would require the recognition of a contract come after the contract is fulfilled and not be able to keep the value as fixed.Another important aspect of the proposal is to est ablish principles to promote comparability among similar contracts. -Leases- -Consolidation- Under the ne joint projects, many of the companies will still be able to consider certain investment companies under the U. S. GAAP are likely to continue to meet qualifications under the new definition, but some may not. The one major change will be defining if the company has control over the investment company and how that will be determined. a. Provide a brief overview of the issue. b. Explain why it is important. c.Describe what needs to be done to bring about convergence. 8. The authors of the last article, Paul Miller and Paul Bahnson, are not proponents of international uniformity of accounting standards. Identify three reasons they are against it (they provide more than three). Do you agree? -He believes that uniformity is not comparable, it kills innovation, and doesn’t believe IFRS is uniformed. I do agree with him in some aspects because uniformity across a global market, while a very noble goal, is almost impossible to achieve and could result in so many problems.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hualapai Language Revitalization and Literacy

Conner Kolter Hualapai Language Revitalization and Literacy The Hualapai Indians, like many other indigenous societies, have faced the continuing threat of losing their culture. For this particular society, through perseverance, hard work and a helping hand from many people outside the Native American community, the Hualapai’s have been able to provide a writing system for their endangered language. This step has proven to be crucial in keeping the language and has also become an example for other Native American tribes who worry about their mother language becoming extinct.This success story has become a symbol that not all is lost if effort is put into something that is deeply cared about. A culture and society’s language is one of, if not the most, important aspects to what makes them different from everyone else. Without that attribute, the people that belong to that language can feel lost and lose a sense of who they are. In the Hualapai culture, members who were i n school in the 1930’s were forced to attend an English-only speaking school where the Hualapai language would be physically beaten out of them.Those children, who are now the grandparents of the present children of the small tribe, stress the importance of learning their native language considering how large a presence English has around them. With the new writing system, the members of the Hualapai tribe can keep their language and have it passed down from generation to generation. Learning more than one linguistic system is a challenge and when teaching the mother language at home is its only exposure, it becomes harder to develop those multilingual skills.With the difficulties that come with learning two languages, some children give up learning one, usually the native tongue and with advancing languages such as English in the business and political world, children might not even learn their cultural language at home. Just as quickly as these dominant languages have been growing, indigenous tongues have been disappearing. A major portion of why native languages become extinct is because of schools. A majority of schools are taught only in English but it doesn’t end there.Parents at home may not want to teach their children to speak the native tongue because of the fear that they will be behind everyone else and not have an equal opportunity to become successful in the outside world because of a language barrier (Lavenda and Schultz 2013, 49-50). This is exactly the case with the Hualapai Indians. In a day where you must be fluent in English, parents have realized that the sacrifice of not choosing to teach their language would be worth it, if their children got a full education out of it. In this case however, the Hualapai’s had unconditional support from the outside community.In the public schools, now that there was a written language for these Native Americans, people fought for classrooms to be bilingual. Without the invention of t he written form of this language, this innovative idea would not have been possible. The Hualapai language underwent language revitalization; â€Å"creating grammars, dictionaries and archival and educational materials designed to teach and preserve these languages for the future† (Lavenda and Schultz 2013, 50). This creation is extremely important to their society because is a new way for the Hualapai’s to express their language and allows them to expand and solidify their cultural too.The writing system for this language was a new concept to everyone, even to the speakers themselves. Because it is something that has to be learned socially, it has become a part of their culture now. Now that they are able to write their spoken language, they are better suited to adapt to the changing world. They can carry on learning in English, but now they can also enjoy learning about their culture while adding on to it without the stress of falling behind in the outside world (cla ss notes, September 7, 2012).There are many advantages that are to be considered now that the Hualapai language has caught up with other languages in the sense of how they can be expressed. Because, the public high school where the teenage Hualapai Indians attend now teach courses in both languages, members from the tribe are coming forward asking to have their skills taught to the students so that the information they know can be passed down. This is a gain for both the natives and for community members outside the tribe.For example, a daughter of a medicine man came to the school wanting to teach about the different plants that can be used for medical uses. This is a perfect instance where cultural borrowing is taking place. A natural tendency that occurs when two or more cultures come in contact with each other and borrow ideas and practices is known as acculturation (Lavenda and Schultz 2012, 185). This process is not a bad habit either. Each culture doesn’t just take the ideas and practices as they are but change them and incorporate them into their own culture so that there is meaning and importance behind them.For the Palm Springs, Arizona community learning about the Hualapai practices of ethnobotany expands their awareness of the tribe and is also helpful for learning new ways to treat suffering. Due to this new writing system brought forth for the Hualapai Indians, many opportunities came into the light for them. Incorporating a writing system allowed the tribe to keep their language alive and thriving. Now that their language is being taught and freely spoken outside the reservation, members don’t have to worry about children not gaining their place in the world for the fear of falling behind if they only spoke their native tongue.Most of the tribe members are becoming more in touch with their heritage and new culture now that there is a writing system that needs to be learned. It has given the small population pride of who they are an d they are able to further their history by means of writing down their cultural traditions, practices, vocabulary. Because there is a physical form of their language, the Hualapai Indians can keep their language and pass it down to the next generations. They can inform others about who they are, what they believe.They have finally made a place in the world for themselves because of the radical progress they made for themselves and hopefully can make the same positive change for other indigenous tribes on the brink of losing their language and culture. Bibliography Martin del Campo, Edgar. â€Å"Defining â€Å"Culture†. † Class lecture, Core Concepts in Anthropology from University of New Hampshire, Durham, September 7, 2012. Lavenda, Robert H.. , and Emily Ann Schultz. Core concepts in cultural anthropology. 5th ed. Mountain View, Calif. : Mayfield, 2013.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ancient Rome Essay Example for Free (#2)

Ancient Rome Essay During the Han Empire of China and the Roman Empire of the Mediterranean World were both had advanced technology for their time. Han China’s attitude toward manufacturing and labor was more positive than the Romans who had a more class divided society, therefore causing attitudes toward labor and technology to be looked down upon. The Hans respect technology and the people who use it. In China, 2nd century B. C. E. a government official stated that he wanted to organize their labor force with the use of technology so they could help to prevent a disaster from occurring when and if a flood takes place. This could help the people from getting hurt and their property from getting destroyed (Doc. 1). Huan Guan, a Han government official during the first century B. C. E. was concerned about the lack of technology and poor government policy that is affecting the people. Haun Guan was trying to say to the Han government that using convict labor to make tools and monopoly on salt and iron is causing devastating affects towards the people and feels that the government can solve this problem by using the available technologies. Even though Haun Guan is a government official himself, he shows interest in helping the people and is very critical towards the current government policies that are in place (Doc. 2). Huan Tan, a upper class Han philosopher during 20 C. E. is expressing his appreciation of the progress that technology has had since the emperor’s first invention . Huan Tan also expresses how technology has benefited the Chinese people and feels that technology is a â€Å"gift† from the enlightened emperors (Doc. 3). A Han government sponsored speaker, around 200 C. E. states how a Han governor, Tu Shih, cared deeply for the Chinese people and used the advanced technology to help benefit them. This government sponsored speaker emphasizes how much the inventions helped minimize the amount of human labor that the people did (Doc. 4). This is interesting because he was hired by the government to talk to people who might be losing faith in the Han Dynasty and he basically glorified the information way more than it actually was. On the other hand, the Romans felt that working with your hands was vulgar and seemed to heavily look down upon technology and whoever used it. Cicero, an upper class Roman political leader from Italy during the 1st century B. C. E. states that anyone who works with their hands are vulgar and looks greatly down upon craftsmen and hired workers. Cicero then goes on stating that â€Å"gentlemen do not work with their hands. †(Doc. 5) It seems that Cicero lacks a huge respect for inventions and inventors and feels like technology is indeed necessary, but not for the â€Å"enlightened minds†. Plutarch, a Greek born roman citizen during the 1st century Roman Empire, expresses Gaius Gracchus’ road building enterprises and continues to explain how the Roman upper class does appreciate technology that benefits the upper class (Doc. 6). Plutarch does show appreciation towards technology, but only because it benefits himself, as well as the rest of the upper class. He does not go on to mention how it helped the commoners in any way, because it most likely didn’t help anyone but the upper class. Seneca, an upper class philosopher and advisor to Emperor Nero, from the 1st century Roman Empire, states that it takes someone nimble and sharp to make inventions but craftsmen don’t have great minds. Seneca goes on to say that he does â€Å"not believe that tools and crafts were invented by wise men† (Doc. 7). Seneca lacks respect for craftsmen and is basically saying that they are not as smart as he is, and degrades their achievements and abilities that they have. He isn’t concerned about any of the tools or inventions that are made by these craftsmen because he feels since he is an upperclassmen, he would never use them for the fact that they would be degrading to his specific class in society. Frontinus, a Roman general, governor of Britain, and water commissioner from the 1st century C. E. of the Roman Empire discusses how he praises the Roman aqueducts and their uses in Rome. He talks about how intelligent the designs are and how much it benefits the public (Doc. 8). It was quite interesting how highly was talking about the aqueducts. He talked about how amazing they were to the other Roman officials so they could see he was doing a good job as water commissioner, which is why he talked so highly of the aqueducts, because that’s his job. A point of view that is missing from these documents that could further help to the discussion of the Han and Rome attitudes towards technology would be the commoners. All eight of these documents were of the point of view from government officials or other upperclassmen. It would’ve helped to see an argument made by the commoners from both empires because that’s who the technology is affecting-the commoners. Although the technology is also affecting the upperclassmen, it would have made a better argument to have someone who is more â€Å"exposed† to the technology in their everyday lives. The people of the Han Empire did have a more optimistic approach towards technology, while the Roman Empire looked at technology as a more negative thing. The Hans took more into consideration of how it would benefit the commoners, unlike the Romans who didn’t mention the commoners in any of their arguments. Although both Empires did use technology, some thought more highly of it than others. Ancient Rome. (2017, Jan 01).

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Reflection scenario based essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Reflection scenario based - Essay Example Abuse does not only include physical or verbal abuse. They are of different types and can occur at home, hospital wards, at work or in nursing homes (Age UK, 2013). The term neglect means not getting appropriate services, facilities, treatment and stuff which make you feel comfortable and safe (Tidy, 2013). Older adults are people above the age of 65 referring to the retirement age ( Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2010). They are frail and dependent and are at great risk of getting abused. This paper will discuss how older adults in the acute mental ward are safeguarded and which issues are mostly faced depending upon the particular scenarios. In acute adult wards safeguarding patients of old age is a very challenging task. While safeguarding patients the health care providers encounter several issues. As, in the old age people become very weak a slight physical harm may result into bruises or fractures so they need to be handled with extreme care. For the older adults suffering from mental disabilities, it is very difficult to make them understand about anything. They are almost unable to protect themselves or even participate in safeguarding therefore the responsibilities on the care providers become much higher. Older adults with mental illnesses cannot take care of their financial problems in particular because of lack of understanding and their mental incapacity. The adult ward nurses and staff have to manage their financial issues which sometimes also involve lawyers and police. Handling all these problems is more specific with older adults with mental incapacity. Being older adults the vulnerability to get abused increases, but if it is associated with mental illness the threshold of abuse becomes maximum and therefore, the problems in safeguarding also get intensified. In short, the major issues are lack of understanding due to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning(fom) Dissertation

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning(fom) - Dissertation Example Instead by segmenting the market, the company divides its market and devises marketing strategies only to the market it is going to cater to. This saves valuable resources of a company which can be spent on CSR activities and other activations that are beneficial for the entire society. The marketing strategies are devised once a company decides which segment it is going to target, hence first step of the ladder is segmentation and second is targeting and being part of the same ladder they are equally beneficial for the society as whole. Many companies like P&G, Unilever, Reckitt and Nestle have been success stories of the fact that marketing segmentation, division and targeting is not only important for the society, but it is also very important for the company. Since company is operating in the society, the profits it earns lead to improvement in standard of living and more taxes being paid and all these changes lead to betterment of the society. (Armstrong and Kotler, 2011) Refere nces: Armstrong, Gary and Kotler, Philip 2011, Marketing: an introduction, 10th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

OSI Layer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

OSI Layer - Assignment Example However, other similar system programs are not included in the scope of OSI model; however they perceive an end user's typing into a Layer 1 demand (Holmes, 2011; RingofSaturn, 2011). In other words, the application layer works as an interface between users and network. Thus, it allows the users to access network operational services. In addition, this layer holds a multiplicity of required processes: (Microsoft, 2011)   5 PRESENTATION LAYER 6 The presentation layer offers a range of encoding and encryption processes that are applied to the data received from application layer. The purpose of these processes is to make sure that information received from the application layer of one system will be understandable to the application layer of another system. In addition, it works as a translator of the network since it translates the data to be accessible to the system’s application layer. ... In this scenario, the complexity and size of a network transport protocol completely depends upon the kind of service which is presented to it by the network layer. In addition, for a trustworthy network layer with virtual circuit potential, a negligible transport layer is necessary. On the other hand, if the network layer is untrustworthy and/or simply facilitates datagram transitions method, the transport protocol should encompass widespread error discovery and recovery methods.  Moreover, the transport layer is responsible for carrying out following tasks: 8 NETWORK LAYER 9 Network layer offers freedom from data transfer technology and routing concerns, masks peculiarities of data transport medium from higher layers and offers switching and routing processes to create, uphold, and end network layer links and transfer data among various users. In this scenario, the network layer is mainly responsible for controlling the processes of the subnet, and making a decision that which ph ysical path the data should be based upon, main concerns of service, and other aspects. In addition, network layer of OSI model carries out following tasks: (Fairhurst, 2001; Fairhurst, The Internetwork Protocol (IP), 2008; Microsoft, 2011) 9 DATA LINK LAYER 10 The data link layer is the place where logical data and information (for example network IP addresses) are actually interpreted into the electrical pulses that move over the physical layer. In addition, ATM, Frame Relay and DSL follow Data Link layer mechanisms. Additionally, the OSI model data link layer offers error-free communication of data frames from one node to another network node over the physical layer, permitting layers above it to suppose virtually error-free data and network

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Lobbying has lead to the corruption of the American political system Essay

Lobbying has lead to the corruption of the American political system - Essay Example Lobbying drastically dents the system affecting the fair pattern that had been initially previously. Lobbying and corruption is the framework of any society that goes hand in hand. They are the only reason so as to why and how a commoner can approach and thereby influence the working mechanism of the equipment's of the state. (Aidt, pg 8). The reason of this might lie in the difference that is present in the two domains that is lobbying and corruption which are not very important. In economics this perception has been supported by the most precise and accurate model which lays stress on lobbying (Grossman and Helpman, pg 833–50. ) but this could most likely itself be a model leading to corruption. As put forward by Aidt in his article â€Å"The view that corruption can be ef?ciency-enhancing has a long tradition in economics† (Aidt 2). This clearly shows that corruption has a very old history with economics. According to this theory a person who is lobbying has influenc e on the decision makers therefore providing them with the resources required. This model states that the politicians are only concerned about the resources but not about what actually tempts them towards such resources. These resources can be anything from money to bribes or political programs. These resources are used efficiently and the corruption is rather created by the interest groups involved. Grossman and Helpman put forward the role of interest groups in practicing corruption in the following words â€Å"Interest groups participate in the political process in order to influence policy outcomes† (Grossman & Helpman 833). Bribing is a controversial subject when it comes to lobbying. One of the most common lobbying practices is bribery. Nownes puts the practice of bribing in the following words â€Å"Among the most common questionable lobbying practices are bribery and the use of sex and alcohol to gain favorable treatment from government..† (Nownes,118). The rea son that bribing can be completely irrelevant to the policy makers is lobbying. At times bribing is the only reason because of which lobbying tends to happen. Benefits that come to a lobbying organization come directly from those who are bribed. This can be seen in the following words â€Å"Each industry must pay enough in bribes to ensure that the government plus other bribing industries together are at least as well off as they would be if they refuse the bribe† (Ito and Rose, 23). The facts states that lobbying is targeted towards the bodies that are responsible to make policies apart from the Bureaucracy that brings about and sets another dissimilarity because the legislature is responsible to pitch in the policies which the lobbyist might be interested in and also to set the rules which make bribing easy or more difficult. Corruption has its own extensive effects on the decision of joining a lobbying organization. American political system has been merely affected by cor ruption particularly because of lobbying. Such organizations which work on promoting lobbying have been really successful as all the high decision making bodies having superiority over the common citizen play this game very shrewdly. â€Å"By official estimates, lobbying is the third largest enterprise in our nation’s capital, after government and tourism (Genovese and Myers,180). It is because of this high rate of corruption, people do not have any faith in the government and