Saturday, October 5, 2019

Lobbying has lead to the corruption of the American political system Essay

Lobbying has lead to the corruption of the American political system - Essay Example Lobbying drastically dents the system affecting the fair pattern that had been initially previously. Lobbying and corruption is the framework of any society that goes hand in hand. They are the only reason so as to why and how a commoner can approach and thereby influence the working mechanism of the equipment's of the state. (Aidt, pg 8). The reason of this might lie in the difference that is present in the two domains that is lobbying and corruption which are not very important. In economics this perception has been supported by the most precise and accurate model which lays stress on lobbying (Grossman and Helpman, pg 833–50. ) but this could most likely itself be a model leading to corruption. As put forward by Aidt in his article â€Å"The view that corruption can be ef?ciency-enhancing has a long tradition in economics† (Aidt 2). This clearly shows that corruption has a very old history with economics. According to this theory a person who is lobbying has influenc e on the decision makers therefore providing them with the resources required. This model states that the politicians are only concerned about the resources but not about what actually tempts them towards such resources. These resources can be anything from money to bribes or political programs. These resources are used efficiently and the corruption is rather created by the interest groups involved. Grossman and Helpman put forward the role of interest groups in practicing corruption in the following words â€Å"Interest groups participate in the political process in order to influence policy outcomes† (Grossman & Helpman 833). Bribing is a controversial subject when it comes to lobbying. One of the most common lobbying practices is bribery. Nownes puts the practice of bribing in the following words â€Å"Among the most common questionable lobbying practices are bribery and the use of sex and alcohol to gain favorable treatment from government..† (Nownes,118). The rea son that bribing can be completely irrelevant to the policy makers is lobbying. At times bribing is the only reason because of which lobbying tends to happen. Benefits that come to a lobbying organization come directly from those who are bribed. This can be seen in the following words â€Å"Each industry must pay enough in bribes to ensure that the government plus other bribing industries together are at least as well off as they would be if they refuse the bribe† (Ito and Rose, 23). The facts states that lobbying is targeted towards the bodies that are responsible to make policies apart from the Bureaucracy that brings about and sets another dissimilarity because the legislature is responsible to pitch in the policies which the lobbyist might be interested in and also to set the rules which make bribing easy or more difficult. Corruption has its own extensive effects on the decision of joining a lobbying organization. American political system has been merely affected by cor ruption particularly because of lobbying. Such organizations which work on promoting lobbying have been really successful as all the high decision making bodies having superiority over the common citizen play this game very shrewdly. â€Å"By official estimates, lobbying is the third largest enterprise in our nation’s capital, after government and tourism (Genovese and Myers,180). It is because of this high rate of corruption, people do not have any faith in the government and

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