Friday, October 18, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8

Report - Essay Example More people are embracing the use of feedback in the teaching process, especially due to its benefits over other methods of teaching. Increasingly, more schools are adopting the use of feedback as a method of teaching their students. With this regard, this paper seeks to establish the reasons behind the success and growth of the use of feedback among teachers in schools. Additionally, it will focus on the advantages and challenges facing feedback as a teaching method. As feedback gives an opportunity to the teacher to understand the emotions of the students, this method has increasingly gained proves to be the most effective teaching tool. From the research, the paper recommends that whenever teachers decide to use feedback as a tool of evaluation, not only should the timing be appropriate but also have independent evaluation committees. This is the only way that the method could achieve best results. 2.0 Introduction Feedback is one of the commonly used methods of teaching for stude nts currently. Over time, there has been an increase in the number of teaching methods that teachers and educators use for effective teaching of their students. ... While discussing the use of feedback in higher education, this essay through secondary research will outline some of the benefits and challenges facing this method of teaching, and later present findings of the research, finally drawing conclusions and recommendations from this study. 3.0 Background   There is an increased emphasis on the contribution of student feedback to the quality of education among students. Different researchers have sought to conduct different students on the impact of feedback on the quality of education. According to Rowe (2010), the current research considerably focuses on the effectiveness of feedback among the students. Additionally, it focuses on the timing of the feedback as well as the modes that offer feedback. Other researchers have sought to demystify the effectiveness of feedback by conducting an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of feedback to the students. With these researches, different educators have adopted the use of student fe edback as a teaching method. This research seeks to establish the effects that feedback has on the students through an analysis of its advantages and disadvantages (Swain, 2008). 4.0 Nature of Feedback Feedback, defined as giving specified information about a person’s current behavior aims at helping him or her continue with the behavior or modifying the behavior. It involves the sharing of information about the student’s performance, giving them an opportunity to express their sentiments on the learning process. As such, this is the most important tool used in the teaching process (Richardson, 2005). Positive feedback indicates that teachers should sustain the behavior, due to its effectiveness or appropriateness. On the other hand, negative or

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